Airspace Infringement Hotspots: Melbourne basin north

  1. Airspace infringement hotspot inbound at the 30 nm DME step

    At 30 DME, the steps change from 8,500 ft/7,500 ft to 4,500 ft. Use good visual references to allow a healthy buffer for a planned descent to remain OCTA. If requesting a clearance, allow plenty of time before the step and always have an alternative plan, including a suitable decision point.

  2. Airspace infringement hotspot Sunbury-Romsey Area

    The IFR arrival into Melbourne comes close to the CTA base in this area. Leave yourself a buffer underneath the step. Most of the area under the C LL 1,500 ft step north of Melbourne is not practically navigable OCTA – stay well away. Remain north and west of the high ground near the Sunbury water tanks and clear of the Penfield and Riddell aerodromes.

  3. Airspace infringement hotspot Melbourne CTR – Tullamarine and Essendon

    Familiarise yourself with airspace around where you are flying. Confirm where you will need a clearance. Request your clearance well before reaching the CTA step. Ensure current published aeronautical charts are used and monitor the correct frequency.

  4. Airspace infringement hotspot – step boundaries near Yan Yean

    With 3 different CTA lower levels in close proximity, use Yan Yean Reservoir as a landmark to determine which quadrant you are in.

Published date: 31 May 2023
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