Information for Pilots Find out how to become a pilot, different licences and permissions, and what you need to do to stay current. Radio operators Find out who needs a radio operator certificate and how to apply for one. Air traffic controllers Learn about applying for a licence, the ratings you need and the rules that apply. Air operators Learn about the certificates you need to operate commercially, and how to apply. Delegates Find out what an industry delegate is, the types of delegates, and how to become one. Maintenance engineers Find out how to become an aircraft maintenance engineer, different types of licences, and how to apply. Flight examiners Find out how to become an examiner, the ratings you need, and resources to help you do your job. Flight instructors Find out how to become an instructor, the ratings you need, and resources to help you do your job. Medical professionals Information for designated aviation medical examiners (DAMEs) and designated aviation ophthalmologists (DAOs). Show more Show more Show less I want to know about Aircraft certification and design Learn about production and design approvals, supplemental type certificates and how to search. Aviation medicals Learn about the medicals pilots and air traffic controllers need, including how to apply, renew, and appeal a decision. Aviation reference numbers Find out about aviation reference numbers (ARNs) and how to apply for one. Drone licences Find out how to get accredited, licenced or become a certified operator or training provider. English language standards Learn about the English language standards you must meet to use an aeronautical radio. Fee payment options for licences and certificates Use our secure online payment gateway to pay for application fees, such as aircraft registration and licences. Flight simulation training devices Search through our list of flight simulation training devices in Australia. Foreign operator certificates Find out about foreign air transport air operator certificates (FATAOCs), including who needs one and how to apply. The rules See all the safety regulations, manuals of standards, advisory and guidance material. Show more Show more Show less