Our use of social media

We use social media to share news and information. This includes promoting safety, encouraging seeking feedback on consultation and providing news and updates.

We don't use social media to consult or providing regulatory services. We won't release any private or sensitive information.

We try to make sure that our information is current and up-to-date on social media. However, information changes over time. Check the information is still current before relying on it.

Our channels are:

How we moderate

We monitor our social media accounts Monday to Friday (AEDT) from 8:30 am to 5.30 pm.

We can’t always respond to every comment or question but will do our best to answer the main issues and topics.

We welcome and encourage your comments on our posts. Be respectful when joining in on the discussion.

We will delete comments or posts that do not meet our community guidelines. This includes any form of bullying or abuse, racial or religious slurs, coarse or inappropriate language. We will act if there is a safety risk, or where posts are offensive or otherwise unacceptable. On certain posts, we may disable commentary completely or only allow commentary from profiles or pages we follow.

We will never respond to, but may report, remove or block posts or users that:

  • Abuse, harass or threaten others.
  • Racially or religiously vilify others.
  • Incite, induce or aid violence, discriminate, harass, victimise or provoke hatred towards others
  • May offend, insult or humiliate others.
  • Make defamatory or libellous comments.
  • Use insulting, provocative or hateful language or images.
  • Use obscene or offensive language or images.
  • Use material that infringes the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Are multiple versions of the same opinion
  • Promote commercial interests.
  • Link to external non-government websites.
  • Promote personal and professional interests.
  • Are political.
  • Incite, encourage or make reference to conduct that may constitute a criminal or civil offence or otherwise violate Australian law.

Following and sharing

From time-to-time we might share other users’ posts. We do this where content is about our core functions and might be helpful to our followers.

We follow other accounts, but we don't follow all of our followers. If we share content or use hashtags, this does not mean we endorse or recommend that account or product.


We must follow rules when we create and manage records. Read our privacy policy. You should also check the privacy policies of the social media channel.

Last updated:
5 Jan 2024
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//index.php/about-us/about-website/our-use-social-media
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