Information about Can I pack that? poster Download our 'Can I pack that?' app to figure out what you can and can't pack, and how to pack safely. Carburettor icing probability chart Download our chart to help you monitor your risk of carby icing. Includes a helpful list of fast facts. Flight planning notepad Download our notepad used for detailed flight planning calculation and in-flight operational performance. Flight planning - Standing personal minimums checklist Download our checklist to help you understand your pre-flight and standing personal minimums. Helicopter safety Download our helicopter safety resources and procedures. Non-controlled aerodrome circuit procedures poster Download our non-controlled aerodrome circuit procedures poster to display in your workplace. Safety contact card for pilots Download or order our safety contact card to leave in your aircraft for others to contact you if there is an issue. Time in your tanks fuel planning card Download our planning card to help you calculate the amount of fuel left in your tanks. Maintenance safety posters Download our safety posters covering a range of safety-related topics applicable to aircraft maintenance engineers. Show more Show more Show less AvSafety cards Aviation decision making An A5 downloadable card to help pilots use the PILOT method to assist in their decision-making where it counts. Blind spot and scanning An A5 downloadable card with information to help pilots with the fundamental principle of see and avoid. Flying into bad weather An A5 downloadable card to help pilots identify and avoid poor weather and avoid flying into IMC. Flying near parachuting operations An A5 downloadable card with information for pilots on parachuting operations and operating safely in shared airspace. Gliding operations An A5 downloadable card with information for pilots on operating around gliders and flying safely in shared airspace. Operating at aircraft landing areas An A5 downloadable card with information on how to keep safe when flying into aircraft landing areas. Pilot maintenance An A5 downloadable card with information for pilots on maintenance you are permitted to carry out. Preventing a stall at low level An A5 downloadable card with information for pilots on the cause, risks and factors of a stall and how to recover. Preventing airspace infringements An A5 downloadable card with information to pilots on how to avoid an airspace infringement. Radio procedures in non-controlled airspace An A5 downloadable card to help pilots with standard phraseology and correct radio use in non-controlled airspace. Rules of the air An A5 downloadable card with information for pilots on overtaking, right of way and avoiding collisions. Situational awareness An A5 downloadable card with information for pilots on the importance of maintaining situation awareness. Spatial disorientation An A5 downloadable card with information for pilots on the physiological effects that can lead to loss of control. Tips to avoid a runway incursion An A5 downloadable card with information on how pilots can avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Turbulence An A5 downloadable card with information for pilots on the what, where and when of turbulence. Weather checklists An A5 downloadable card with a flow chart to help pilots make the right decisions about when to fly or not to fly. Show more Show more Show less