Product and website disclaimers

The information and publications on our site is general information to legislation, regulations and our work. They provide a general understanding of the topics to help you assess whether you need more information.

By using our website and safety promotion products, you accept the following.

Accuracy of information

We take every effort to ensure that the contents of our safety promotion and guidance material accurately conforms to the civil aviation legislation. However, these products are not the law.

They are intended as a basic guide and do not address the complexities of specific circumstances.

We cannot guarantee that the website document is complete and accurate. Seek professional advice if you intend to rely on this information.

We accept no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of any of the information contained on or accessed through this website. We also make no representations about its suitability for any particular purpose.

To the extent permitted by law, CASA accepts no liability for damages or liability of any kind resulting from their use.

Always make sure you are using the most current version of the product, available from our Resources and education section.

Our safety promotional material

Our safety promotional and educational materials such as posters, flyers, and guides carry a disclaimer. 

Some of our products contain a QR code linking to this page for more details. You are encouraged to read and understand the information on this page.

Our safety promotional products are prepared for educational and awareness purposes only and were correct at the time of publishing.

Always make sure to check official sources of information such as:

  • maps
  • ERSA
  • NOTAMs.

Our products also contain a copyright statement. Many are licenced under a Creative Commons licence.

This allows you to use the material within our products in accordance with that licence. If you are republishing or using information from our publications, you must check that it is current and accurate.

Website conditions of use

We make every effort to keep links on this site up to date. Before relying on material on this website, you should verify its accuracy, completeness and relevance for your purposes and that it is up-to-date.

The currency of the links is dependent upon the owners of those sites letting us know of any changes. If you find material that is out of date or a link that does not work, please contact us.

CASA is not responsible for the quality, validity or accuracy of information published on other websites that we link to. We link to other sites for your convenience. This does not constitute endorsement of material at those sites or any associated information, product or service.

You assume all risks associated with use of the web site, including:

  • risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus which might be transmitted or activated via the website or your access to it
  • or the risk that the content of this website and linked web sites complies with the laws of any country outside Australia.

Your use of this website may be logged for the purpose of security and usage monitoring. For further information refer to our privacy statement.

Last updated:
28 Jun 2024
Online version available at:
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