Apply for a production authorisation

We provide production authorisations for the manufacture of aviation products.

Production authorisations

The types of production authorisations we issue are:

  • Production Certificates (PC) for the manufacture of aircraft, engines and propellers
  • Production Certificates (PC) for the manufacture of parts on a one-off basis
  • Australian Parts Manufacturer Approval (APMA) for the manufacture of replacement or modification parts
  • Australian Technical Standard Order Authorisations (ATSOA) for articles manufactured to a specific:
    • Australian Technical Standard Order (ATSO)
    • Technical Standard Order (TSO)
    • European Technical Standard Order (ETSO).

How to apply for a production approval

  1. Have this information ready before you begin:

    • your organisation details, including a primary contact person for the application
    • full details for the type of production approval you need and supporting documents
    • design data details
    • quality system data details
    • your aviation reference number.
  2. Complete the form

    Use Form 849 Production authorisation: initial or variation to apply for production authorisation to manufacture:

    • aircraft
    • aircraft engines
    • propellers
    • aircraft parts, articles or appliances.

    Use this form if you are seeking initial approval or varying an existing approval.

    We gather and store your information according to our privacy statement.

  3. Submit the form

    Submit your application along with any supporting documents required in Form 849 to us. Email or post your completed application using the details on the form.

    Application by email is our preferred option.

  4. After you submit the form

    We will review your application to ensure it is correct and complete. We will contact you if we need more information.

  5. Pay the fee

    We charge a fee to assess your product and issue the authorisation. We will send you an estimate of our costs based on an hourly rate. The estimated hours cover our assessment and inspection of your:

    • written procedures
    • facilities
    • tools and equipment
    • approved data
    • first article inspection/conformity review
    • qualified staff.

    You must pay the fee before we can process your application.

  6. Cancel an application

    To cancel your application after paying the fee, contact us in writing. We will charge costs for any work completed before you cancel.

  7. Assessment

    Assessment timeframes vary and rely on:

    • when we receive your payment
    • the quality of your documents
    • your response to any feedback provided by us
    • the availability of our resources.

    We will contact you if the recommendation varies from what you applied for. We will also contact you with notice if we approve or decline your application.

  8. Certificate issue

    We will calculate the actual costs of the assessment process. We will then either process a refund or raise an invoice if required.

    If approved we will send the original by mail.

Last updated:
3 Nov 2021
Online version available at:
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