Statement of commitment to child safety

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has a zero-tolerance approach to abuse, harm or exploitation of children and young people and is committed to their safety and wellbeing in alignment with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework.


Ensuring the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people is a responsibility of all CASA employees. As CASA’s interaction with children and young people is minimal and infrequent, a modified approach of the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework has been developed that best fits the nature of CASA’s operations and our interaction with children.

CASA will demonstrate this commitment through the following actions:

  • creating and maintaining an environment that has appropriate child safety arrangements for all activities that involve children and young people, by undertaking risk assessments, appropriate training and awareness and visibility campaigns to promote a child safe culture
  • establishing and maintaining a training program to ensure staff are aware of their shared responsibilities under the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework
  • taking all allegations and concerns seriously and responding to them consistently, in line with the CASA’s policies and procedures
  • perform risk assessments to identify positions that have contact with children and young people and evaluate the potential risk of harm or abuse
  • implement any controls identified in the risk assessments that improve the safety and wellbeing of children and young people
  • ensure working with vulnerable people checks are in place for any identified positions
  • publishing an assurance statement with the framework.

CASA employees in identified positions that perform duties associated with children and young people will have the following responsibilities:

  • undertake the required training program to ensure they understand the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and reporting obligations
  • undertake and/or maintain their working with vulnerable people checks
  • report alleged/suspected harm or abuse.


CASA acknowledges its obligation to mandatory reporting of suspected cases of child abuse and neglect and the reporting requirements for each state and territory are different. CASA encourages all staff to speak up when they are concerned about or suspect child abuse in any of our workplaces. CASA is committed to responding to and reporting suspected child abuse.

Reporting on compliance demonstrates a strong commitment to child safety and builds a culture of transparency and accountability. CASA will publish an assurance statement in the CASA Annual Report and via the CASA intranet and website demonstrating our commitment to the framework.

Go to our contact us page for information on how you can report your concerns or speak to a CASA staff member.

Last updated:
14 Dec 2022
Online version available at:
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