Flight examiner professional development

CASR 61.1270 requires a professional development program (PDP) and provides ongoing and refresher education for:

  • flight examiners
  • approved testing officers (ATO)
  • holders of CASR 61.040 approvals.

The program aims to improve safety by increasing consistency, reliability and assessment standards.

The 2023 PDP will include new information, revision and videos addressing all stages of a flight test with a particular focus on this year's theme, the assessment of judgement and flight management. It will cover the:

  • theory of 'judgement' by human performance specialists and how is it applied during a flight test process
  • relationship between assessment of judgement and flight management and the assessment of non-technical skills and threat and error management
  • design and conduct of flight tests, incorporating the assessment of judgement in the ground and flight components
  • behaviours of flight examiners and the effectiveness of providing non-prescriptive information to applicants during the flight test.

It should benefit all participants in some way, particularly with scenarios based on flight tests conducted in the following environments:

  • flight simulator
  • general aviation for an instrument rating – aeroplane and helicopter
  • general aviation for an aerial application rating.

Due dates for PDPs

If you have completed a PDP, your next one will be due 2 years after completion.

If you have completed all the requirements for a flight examiner rating, including the flight examiner rating course, you have met the PDP requirements. Your next PDP will be due 2 years after you have obtained your flight examiner rating.

Not sure when your expiry date is, contact our Flight Testing Office. You can also view when your PDP was last completed via AviationWorx.

We do recommend you add your PDP expiry to any method that you use to track pilot licence and recency expiries.

Accessing AviationWorx

The eLearning training modules for the 2023 PDP will be available in AviationWorx from July 2023. A library of previous PDP series is also available.

To access AviationWorx you will need a myCASA account and an ARN.

If you already have an AviationWorx account, you can log in and access the 2023 PDP videos.

If you don’t have a myCASA account, visit the Access eLearning (AviationWorx) page on our website to register.

Last updated:
30 Jun 2023
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//index.php/licences-and-certificates/flight-examiners/flight-examiner-professional-development
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