Your Safety Management System (SMS) is important for minimising risks and preventing accidents and injuries.
When creating your SMS there are different aviation rules, legislation and resources that will help you meet SMS regulations. In the future these will be unified under Part 5 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.
You should also use our SMS Evaluation Tool and Guidance Form (PDF 1.63MB). This lists the compliance and performance markers you can evaluate your organisation against.
Below are lists of the rules and guidance material relevant to aviation sectors to help you create your SMS.
Air Operators
If you hold or apply for an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) or Part 138 certificate, you may be subject to SMS requirements.
Refer to the following rules and guidance material regarding your SMS:
- Part 119, Part 138 and Part 142 of CASR
- Advisory Circular AC 119-01 Safety management systems for air transport operations (PDF 1.1MB)
- Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material (AMC/GM)
If you operate a certified aerodrome, you may be subject to SMS requirements.
Refer to the following rules and guidance material regarding your SMS:
- Part 139 of CASR Aerodromes
- Part 139 Manual of Standards
- Advisory Circular AC 139-16(1) - Safety management systems for aerodromes (PDF 542KB).
If you operate an aerodrome rescue and firefighting service, consider the following rules:
If you're responsible for aircraft maintenance you may be subject to SMS requirements.
Refer to the following rules and guidance material regarding your SMS:
- Part 145 of the CASR Continuing airworthiness approved maintenance organisations
- Part 145 Manual of standards
- Part 145 approved maintenance organisation requirements AMC-GM (PDF 588KB).
Air navigation services
If you are responsible for providing air traffic services, consider the following rules and guidance material:
- Part 172 of CASR Air Traffic Service Providers
- Part 172 Manual of Standards
- Advisory Circular AC 172-01 – Guidelines for preparing a safety management system (PDF 39KB).
If you are responsible for providing aeronautical telecommunication and radio navigation services, consider the following rules and guidance material:
- Part 171 of CASR Aeronautical telecommunications service and radionavigation service providers
- Part 171 Manual of Standards
- Advisory Circular AC 171-01 – Guidelines for complying with CASR Part 171 requirements and standard (PDF 353KB).
If you are an instrument flight procedure designer, consider the following rules:
Self-administering aviation organisations
If you are an approved self-administering aviation organisation, consider the following rules: