Protecting the environment

We are committed to responsible environmental sustainability and strive to limit any adverse impacts our actions have on the environment. We do this by:

  • reducing energy usage
  • minimising the waste we generate
  • incorporating environmental features into new office fitouts
  • creating greater environmental sustainability awareness among our people
  • reporting annually on our performance against environmental targets.

To guide us and keep us accountable, we have an environmental management system. This helps us improve our environmental performance and reduce the environmental impact of our operations.

Environmental responsibilities and aviation

Our main responsibility is aviation safety. But we are also expected to take steps to ensure, as far as we practicably can, that the environment is protected from aircraft and related operations.

We consider a range of factors when assessing airspace change proposals.

These include checking that there are no airspace/aircraft operation implications for CASA under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Airservices Australia (Airservices) determines the location of air routes and lodges airspace change proposals to implement any changes if required.

They also help industry to meet their requirements for noise and emissions under the Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 2018 and the Air Navigation (Aircraft Engine Emissions) Regulations 1995.

You can find further information about those regulations on:

Airservices and other approved flight procedure designers also assess the potential effects of aircraft noise. If you need an airspace change proposal to contain the flight paths, you must include the aircraft noise assessment when you apply.

Federally-leased airports are managed under a comprehensive environmental regulatory framework. The DITRDCA manages this framework. This framework is established by the Airports Act 1996 and the Airports (Environmental Protection) Regulations 1997.

Environmental responsibilities for airspace users

While CASA is not able to impose specific environmental protection obligations on people who hold or apply for a civil aviation authorisation, we do seek to ensure that airspace users are aware of their obligations under environmental protection laws.

When you apply to CASA for an authorisation or approval, you may start to see a requirement on our application forms to make a declaration about your environmental obligations.

The declaration asks people and organisations to assure us that they:

  • are aware of the environmental laws they already must comply with
  • will endeavour, in good faith, to comply with them.

The declaration will ask you to confirm that you:

  • have tried your best to identify all Commonwealth, state and territory environmental protection laws that apply to the operations covered by the authorisation you’re applying for
  • recognise and understand your obligations under those laws
  • will endeavour in good faith to comply with those laws.

We’re updating our application forms to reflect these requirements. If you’re not sure whether this applies to you or if you have any questions, please contact us.

What to consider

There are 4 main areas that you may wish to consider when you are applying for an authorisation:

  • noise
  • emissions
  • reducing waste
  • hazardous materials.

Many large airlines have in place long term commitments to sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Here are some examples of actions you could consider when assessing the environmental impact of your own aviation activities:

  • minimising consumption of energy, water and other natural resources
  • minimising the use of single use plastic items
  • in-flight recycling
  • shortening flight times
  • safely disposing of batteries, fuel and oil
  • adhering to fly neighbourly agreements
  • using sustainable aviation fuels
  • putting in place carbon offset schemes, planting trees.

Not all of these will necessarily give rise to specific legal obligations

Read more about how to manage your environmental impact on

Last updated:
24 Oct 2024
Online version available at:
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