Information about Access eLearning (AviationWorx) Choose from over 200 modules to learn anywhere, anytime. CASA enquiries account Register now or log in to keep track of some enquiries. CASA Self Service View your maintenance or air navigation services licence details. Defect Reporting Service Use the DRS to report and view major defects with aircraft or an aircraft part. Flight Test Management system Flight Test Management (FTM) makes it easier to collect flight test and proficiency check information. Make a payment Find out how to pay for your licence, aircraft registration and other fees. Manual authoring and assessment tool Our free online tool can be used to write and submit manuals or expositions for assessment. Medical records system Find out about our medical records system for use by pilots, air traffic controllers (ATC) and medical examiners. myCASA portal We make it simpler for you to interact with us online through the myCASA portal. Online store A large range of booklets, brochures, DVDs, posters and training kits are available from our online store. Show more Show more Show less Also see Can I pack that? Make sure the items you're packing are safe to fly. Delegate management notification system The DMNS is used to capture useful real-time information about services provided to the aviation industry. Drone safety apps Education and training Learn about our safety advisors, and the seminars and workshops we run. Manuals and handbooks Find manuals and handbooks, including our manuals of standards. Publications and resources View and search our library for forms, pilot guides and regulatory guidance. Show more Show more Show less