Unlicensed aircraft maintenance engineers (AMEs) and licensed aircraft maintenance engineers (LAMEs) maintain:
- light aircraft
- rotorcraft
- large commercial aircraft.
AMEs and LAMEs inspect, maintain and repair aircraft:
- structures
- powerplants (engines)
- mechanical and electrical systems
- avionics systems.
The work is diverse, disciplined and regulated in Australia and internationally.
The aviation industry uses advanced technology and new aircraft, with increasing reliance on computerised flight control and aircraft management systems. The use of electronic and computer equipment is an important aspect of an aircraft maintenance engineer’s skills.
Unlicensed aircraft maintenance engineer (AME)
An AME works under the direction of a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer to carry out servicing and maintenance work. They must meet a range of local and international aviation standards to ensure the aircraft is airworthy.
An AME’s job is to maintain and service aircraft in approved maintenance organisations:
- located in Australia
- operated by Australian or overseas companies located overseas.
Licensed aircraft maintenance engineer (LAME)
The main role of a LAME is to
- supervise the work of other aircraft maintenance engineers
- sign off on work, confirming its completion to the required standard
- certify the aircraft is fit to fly.
LAMEs can also carry out servicing and maintenance work.
In some cases, an aircraft maintenance team will comprise of:
- apprentices
- aviation maintenance workers
- AMEs
- LAMEs.
They will have skills across different specialisations, including:
- mechanical
- structures
- avionics.
An aircraft maintenance engineer must be able to communicate clearly and effectively as a part of a team.