About CASA

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is a government body that ensures the safety of aviation in Australia.

We license pilots, register aircraft, certify aerodromes, oversee aviation safety and promote safety awareness. We do this by setting standards and safety outcomes that cover maintenance, airspace, aerodromes, licensing, and all types of operations.

We also make sure that the aviation community and the public use and administer Australian airspace and aerodromes safely.

In July 1995, we were established as an independent statutory authority. We operate within a legislative framework made up of acts, regulations, associated legislative instruments and guidance material.

The Civil Aviation Act 1988 describes our role. The Act also forms the basis of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. These regulations are broken into parts, which may have an associated Manual of Standards, as well as supporting guidance materials.

We employ about 800 people across Australia. We work with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts and Airservices Australia in a tripartite structure to provide safe aviation in Australia.


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CASA's Organisational chart, updated 3 February 2025

Our minister

Our minister is the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government. The minister appoints the CASA Board and provides them with a statement of expectations.

Our Board

The CASA Board, chaired by Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin AC (Retd), governs us.

The Board:

  • decides CASA’s objectives, strategies and policies
  • makes sure that CASA performs its functions properly, efficiently and effectively.

Our Chief Executive Officer and Director of Aviation Safety

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director of Aviation Safety (DAS) manages CASA in line with the Board’s directions and policies.

Our CEO and DAS is Ms Pip Spence PSM.

Our people

Our people work across these areas:

  • Regulatory Oversight
  • National Operations and Standards
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Legal International and Regulatory Affairs
  • Corporate Services
  • Air Navigation, Transformation and Risk
  • Finance.

Delegates and authorised persons

We may delegate some of our regulatory powers or authorise others to perform specific tasks or functions on its behalf. Our CEO and DAS can delegate powers to anyone, including those outside of CASA.

Read more about delegates and authorised persons.

Industry Complaints Commissioner

The Industry Complaints Commissioner (ICC) reports directly to the CASA Board. The ICC does not sit within CASA's organisational structure. This ensures independence and impartiality.

Vision, mission and values

Our vision, mission and values inform our staff, stakeholders and partners of our shared responsibilities to keep our skies safe.

For the principles underpinning the way we work, see our regulatory philosophy.

Our vision

Safe skies for all.

Our mission

To promote a positive and collaborative safety culture through a fair, effective and efficient aviation safety regulatory system, supporting our aviation community.

Our values

  • Excellence - to strive to excel in all we do.
  • Courage - to act with strength of character and conviction while being accountable for our actions.
  • Teamwork - to work together to promote a strong, cohesive and highly effective workforce.
  • Fairness - to ensure our actions and decisions are informed, consistent, risk-based, evidence driven and without bias.
  • Integrity - our actions and behaviour are open, transparent and ethical.
  • Respect - to engage with our peers, colleagues and the wider aviation community in a clear, concise and respectful manner at all times.
  • Innovation - to challenge existing practices and look for opportunities to support effective continuous improvement.
Last updated:
2 Dec 2024
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//index.php/about-us/who-we-are/about-casa
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