Get your ReOC

A remotely piloted aircraft operator's certificate (ReOC) allows you or your business to trade as a drone service provider.

A ReOC permits your business to conduct a range of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) operations—subject to approval—that are not available to other operators.

You do not need a ReOC, if you:

A ReOC allows you or your business to:

  • operate as a drone service provider for hire or reward
  • employ remote pilots to operate drones that weigh:
    • up to 7 kg
    • up to 25 kg
    • up to 150 kg
    • more than 150 kg (requires additional certification).
  • apply for permissions and approvals for complex drone operations outside of the drone safety rules.

To operate remotely piloted aircraft under a ReOC, the pilot needs to hold a remote pilot licence (RePL). A ReOC is not a licence to operate a drone. You can hire a licensed remote pilot to complete your operations.

As a ReOC holder, you must:

Apply using an industry delegate

You can apply for a ReOC through an industry delegate. Delegates are only authorised to issue a ReOC if the RPA is:

  • used in basic aerial operations
  • no more than 150 kg.

Industry delegates include:

We recommend you contact your preferred delegate about their fees and application process.

How to apply for a ReOC

  1. Complete the application form

  2. Develop your supporting documentation

    Review the application checklist and develop the supporting documentation including your RPAS Operations Manual.  

    The following guidance materials are available to support you in your application:

  3. Submit your application, supporting documentation and pay the fee

    Submit your application and supporting documents to the email listed on the form.  

    We will check that you have completed the relevant questions and provided all required documents. We will notify you if your application is incomplete.

    We will send you an estimate of the application fee, valid for 30 days. Additional fees may apply if an RPAS inspector needs to travel for an onsite assessment.

    To proceed, you must:

    • pay the application fee
    • submit any other supporting documents.

    If you choose not to proceed, please notify us via email.

  4. Pass a chief remote pilot (CRP) assessment

    Once we receive your payment and all supporting documents, we will review your documentation and notify you if:

    • we have any feedback
    • an onsite assessment is required.

    If you don't respond within 30 days, we may close your request. We'll notify you if this happens.

    You will also be required to complete a chief remote pilot (CRP) assessment successfully:

    Applications can take up to 70 business days to process, depending on the complexity of your operation. 

  5. Issuing your ReOC

    After assessing your application, we'll notify you of the outcome.  

    If your application is approved, you will receive a ReOC. It will specify the following:

    • type of RPA
    • weight restrictions
    • manufacturer and model (for RPA more than 25 kg). 
Last updated:
11 Oct 2024
Online version available at:
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