You must not fly your drone in a populous area.
A populous area is anywhere people are living or gathered for a purpose. If your drone fails and falls, it could pose a risk to the life, safety or property of a person in the area.
Populous areas can include:
- residential areas
- parks
- beaches
- roads
- cars
- footpaths
- city areas
- festivals
- sporting events
- weddings.
You can't fly over people at any time – no matter how high you fly above them.
You must keep your drone at least 30 metres away from people or anywhere a person could be, such as in a house or a car.
Major public events are often policed to make sure the public are safe. Leave your drone at home – live in the moment and enjoy these live events.
Many iconic buildings and tourism sites are also located in restricted airspace, making them no-fly areas. For example, Sydney Harbour and surrounding areas.