Consultation with industry and public

We work with the aviation community to maintain and enhance aviation safety. This is important when we develop or change the rules.

Consultation on proposed rule changes

We must consult on all proposed rule changes. These changes can affect businesses or change the way they operate. We invite feedback from:

  • government departments
  • commercial businesses
  • industrial and consumer groups
  • aviation industry bodies
  • other relevant bodies and organisations
  • the broader public.

What we consult on

We consult on all regulatory changes and where anything may have a major impact on our aviation community.

Examples of things we may consult on include:

  • aviation safety regulations
  • aerospace procedures and classifications
  • airspace studies and reviews
  • airworthiness requirements
  • flight testing
  • licensing
  • aviation medicine
  • new and emerging technologies such as remotely piloted aircraft.

How we consult

We use different methods of consultation depending on what is appropriate and proportional to the:

  • proposed rule changes
  • the number of stakeholders
  • the available time and resources.

Consultation hub

We use our online Consultation Hub to provide information and capture public feedback.

We consult at different stages during the rule change process and publish information in a range of formats, including:

  • discussion papers to
    • get feedback on whether we should go ahead with proposed new rules
    • start a change to existing standards
    • test options for reducing known safety risks.
  • policy proposals to get feedback on proposed policy options
  • consultation drafts of proposed legislation to make sure the rules align with the policy intent
  • post-implementation reviews to recognise and respond to issues with earlier changes.

Aviation Safety Advisory Panel

Some consultations involve the Aviation Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP). The panel provides objective, high-level advice on current, emerging, and potential aviation safety issues.

The ASAP helps us:

  • direct engagement with the aviation community
  • seek input on current and future regulatory and associated policy approaches
  • determines membership and tasking of technical working groups.

Technical working groups

Technical working groups (TWG) support the ASAP. TWGs work to see how the feedback improves a proposed rule change.

TWGs host forums where industry members and relevant technical experts can provide their input to the ASAP on specific technical issues and proposals.

Industry members may self-nominate for consideration by the ASAP to participate on TWGs.

Ways we consult

We engage industry and communities in various ways. They include:

Face-to-face industry meetings and briefings

Our staff regularly meet with a broad range of industry stakeholders. The meetings are used to discuss aviation safety issues and listen to insights.

Web based interaction

The Aviation State Engagement Forum (AvSEF) is an online industry engagement platform which provides an opportunity for all significant airspace users to comment on:

  • proposals or initiatives relating to airspace

  • procedures
  • related matters of a regional and/or national importance.

Stakeholder correspondence and mailouts

We may directly contact key stakeholders through letters and emails.

CASA website and social media

We publish information on the CASA website in an easy-to-understand format. This format is accessible to all stakeholders and the broader aviation community.

We also use social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube) as part of our engagement approach.

Publications and visual communication

We produce and distribute publications and visual communication material through our official channels.


We notify the aviation community about formal active consultations through traditional news channels and industry publications where appropriate.

How to submit feedback

Please submit your feedback through the Consultation Hub using the online form or survey provided.

The information we request may vary, but will usually include:

  • some personal details like your name and contact email
  • survey questions about your views on the issue
  • general or detailed feedback in a submission document you can then upload.

Providing a detailed submission

We welcome detailed submissions and feedback on issues not covered in the survey questions.

When preparing a submission, please don't include:

  • personal information that you don't want published, other than your name (or letterhead)
  • sensitive commercial information
  • information that identifies another person or organisation
  • rude or defamatory remarks.

Member-based organisations

We welcome responses from member-based organisations. We also encourage you to invite your members to submit their own response. This will ensure all views are given equal consideration and are available for everyone to see following consultation.

Confidentiality of feedback

Our preference is to make your feedback public so that our consultations are transparent. However, we accept that there may be occasions when you may want to keep information confidential.

Partial confidentiality

You can write your response to keep only some parts confidential. Submit the confidential information separately. We can then potentially publish the non-confidential parts of your response.

Complete confidentiality

For a confidential response, we will not disclose any information to other parties unless required by law.

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act) governs who can see a confidential submission. The Act protects sensitive information given in confidence.

How we handle your feedback

We will make all feedback public unless you ask for your submission to stay confidential.

We may redact or choose not to publish submissions that contain:

  • sensitive information
  • information that identifies other parties
  • offensive material
  • information not relevant to the subject of consultation.

We will publish a summary of consultation after reviewing submissions and making a policy decision. These will:

  • summarise the feedback received
  • detail our plans for future policy
  • outline any further consultation or planned rule making on the subject.

If we do change the rules, information will be available in an Explanatory Statement. We publish the statement on the Federal Register of Legislation along with the final rule.

Sign up for notifications

Find out when we open consultations by subscribing to our mailing list. Go to our enews subscription centre and choose ‘Consultation and rule making’. We will notify you of future consultations.

Last updated:
12 Apr 2023
Online version available at:
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