The RPAS and AAM Strategic Regulatory Roadmap

Corporate publications

The RPAS and AAM Strategic Regulatory Roadmap

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An AAM vehicle sitting in a carpark
The cover of the RPAS roadmap, with a photo of a drone flying over a lake in the bottom-right corner and a render of an AAM vehicle in the centre
The cover of the RPAS roadmap

The Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Strategic Regulatory Roadmap (the Roadmap) is part of the Emerging Technologies Program. This program focuses on safely and efficiently integrating emerging aviation technologies and systems into Australia's airspace and civil regulatory framework.

The Roadmap explains our plan for regulating RPAS and AAM over the next 10 to 15 years.

It sets out our strategy and planning to safely integrate these technologies into Australia’s airspace and future regulatory system, alongside traditional aviation.

We aim to create clear and risk-based rules along with simple, flexible and efficient authorisation pathways for emerging technologies.

First released in 2022, the Roadmap was reviewed in 2024 in consultation with industry. We will continue to evolve it to keep pace with new technologies and innovations, supporting emerging industries.

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