Apply to be a holder of an Instrument of Appointment

Authorised persons (APs) may carry out the following design activities for aircraft or aeronautical product or alterations to aircraft or aeronautical products:

  • approval of technical data (CASR 21.009)
  • approval of changes to aircraft flight manuals (CASR 21.006A)
  • approval of minor changes in type design (CASR 21.095)
  • modification/repair design approvals (CASR Subpart 21.M including 21.437)
  • variations of supplemental type certificates (CASR 21.120B).

Instrument of Appointment

An Instrument of Appointment (IOA) details the scope of design activities that an AP is able to carry out.

To become an AP for design, you must:

  • develop a design approval procedures manual (DAPM)
  • be employed or contracted by an organisation that has a DAPM.

The DAPM describes your design activity processes.

How to apply to be an approved person

  1. Have this information ready before you begin:

    • your organisation details (if applicable)
    • your agent's details (if you are using one)
    • the design activities you want to perform
    • a proposed DAPM, or draft amendment should your organisation already have an approved DAPM (if you cannot provide one, advise when you will be able to)
    • procedures for design activities (or advise if you will include this in the DAPM)
    • your aviation reference number (ARN) or advise when you requested an ARN
    • your proposed scope including specialisations and limitations
    • at least two work samples for each specialisation or sub-specialisation you want to include in your scope.
  2. Complete and submit the application

    There is no formal application form. Use our Contact us page to apply with your approved person details.

    We gather and store your information according to our privacy statement.

  3. After you submit the application

    We will review your application to make sure it is correct and complete. We will contact you if we need more information.

  4. Pay the fee

    We will provide a fee estimation after we have received your application.

    You must pay the fee before we can process your application.

Design approval procedures manual

You must prepare a DAPM to become an AP.

Alternatively, you may work for or contract to an organisation that is developing a DAPM or has one that is already approved. In the latter case, the DAPM may need amendments to reflect the addition of another AP.

AC 21-08 Approval of modification and repair designs under Subpart 21.M (PDF, 867.92 KB)

includes guidance material for the approval of modifications and repairs under CASR Subpart 21.M.


Assessment timeframes vary and rely on:

  • when we receive your payment
  • the quality of your documents
  • the availability of our resources.

We will also interview applicants to assess knowledge of the CASRs and the specialities included in the requested scope. We may do an on-site inspection to verify the procedures in a new DAPM.

If you meet the regulatory requirements, we will issue an Instrument of Appointment. The certificate contains the:

  • certificate number
  • name and address of the organisation or individual (as applicable)
  • approved design activities and any limitations
  • approved scope including the types of aircraft, technical specialities, and any conditions.
Last updated:
21 Apr 2023
Online version available at:
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