We encourage you to be aware of your obligations when hiring a drone operator. Here are some questions you can ask to make sure you're using a safe and legal operator.
Drone registration
Ask for proof of registration.
Drone registration is mandatory for all commercially operated drones. It's an offence to fly an unregistered drone for a commercial purpose.
Operator's licence
Operators who hold a remote pilot licence (RePL) have undergone specialist training which gives them added privileges to the drone safety rules. For example, flying closer than 30 m to other people.
You can ask to see a copy of the operator's paper or digital RePL. It will also show the type and weight category of the drone the operator can fly. Anyone with a myCASA account can use a camera-equipped smart device to see details of a digital licence.
Licensed remote pilots must also be operating for a person or business that has a remotely piloted aircraft operator's certificate (ReOC).
Search our ReOC directory to verify the business's certificate and approved operations.
Operator's accreditation
Ask the operator if they can do your project under the drone safety rules, using a drone that weighs 2 kg or less. If so, the operator only needs to hold an operator accreditation certificate and register the drone.
Anyone with a myCASA account can use a camera-equipped smart device to see details of a digital licence.
Operation approvals
Certain commercial operations need flight authorisations from us. For example, if they need to fly the drone within 5.5 km of a controlled airport, the operator will need an approval to fly in controlled airspace.
You can ask to see their approval from CASA. It will show you the type of operations, approved conditions and the approved period. Don't get caught out by an expired approval.
Operator's insurance
Accidents can happen even with the right qualifications and experience. Drones may lose control or hit obstacles. Confirm that the operator's insurance covers the services provided. If the operator does not have the correct licence, registered drone or approval to fly (illegal operations), it could also void their insurance.