An initial ReOC is valid for 12 months and renewals are valid for up to 3 years.
The nominated Chief Executive Officer (CEO) may renew the ReOC online up to 3 months before it’s expiry date if there are no changes.
You cannot renew an expired certificate. To continue operating, you must:
- apply for a new certificate
- pay the related fees for the application
- complete the application assessment.
Renew online using myCASA
Create or use your Digital Identity to log into myCASA
You can use Digital Identity to log into myCASA. If you don’t have one, it is a safe, secure and convenient way to provide or reuse your identity online.
If you already have a myCASA account, sign in using your account details.
Log into myCASA
Renew in myCASA
In myCASA:
- go to 'Remotely piloted aircraft operator’s certificate (ReOC)' section on your dashboard.
- select the certificate you want to renew - you can only renew your certificate if its expiry date is within the next 3 months.
- on the ReOC details page, go to the 'Subsequent issue (renewal) of ReOC' section
- select 'Apply for a subsequent issue (renewal)'
- read the declaration and tick the check box to agree.
Select 'Proceed to payment' and follow the prompts to pay the renewal fee.
After submitting your renewal and payment, you’ll get a confirmation message and an email with your renewed certificate.
Renew by email
Complete the RPA Operator’s Certificate application form
Download and complete the following form:
Make sure you save it to your device.
Email your application to us
Send us your completed application to the nominated email address on the form.
Pay the renewal fee
We will review your application and provide instructions on how to pay the renewal fee.
After we assess your renewal, you’ll get a confirmation message and an email with your renewed certificate.
Last updated:
11 Oct 2024