Vary your ReOC

You can change your business name, modify key staff roles or the scope of your remotely piloted aircraft certificate (ReOC). These changes may be:

  • significant changes
  • non-significant changes.

Significant changes

We must approve significant changes before adding them to your daily operations.

Examples of significant changes that may not require your ReOC to be reissued include:

  • change or vary your key staff roles:
    • chief executive officer
    • chief remote pilot
    • chief RePL instructor
    • maintenance controller
  • changing the organisation's structure or formal reporting lines:
    •  adding a head of operations with key responsibilities
    • a senior remote pilot role that requires internal assessment
  • changing or adding responsibilities or qualifications for staff roles
  • modifying the amendment procedures in your operations manual
  • altering your operations in ways that could affect aviation safety
  • inserting procedures that you do not have authorisation for:
    •  beyond-visual line of sight procedures that assessed.

Significant changes that require the ReOC to be reissued can include:

  • adding or removing types of RPA
  • adding or removing a registered business
  • for organisations, changing your ReOC’s legal entity name provided the Australian Company Number (ACN) remains the same.

How to apply for significant changes

  1. Complete the application form

    For significant changes requiring your ReOC to be reissued or if you are changing your key staff roles, download and complete the following form:

    For all other significant changes that do not require the ReOC to be reissued, download and complete the following form:

    Make sure you save the forms to your device.

  2. Complete or update your supporting documentation

    • Attach your updated RPAS Operations Manual.

    The following guidance materials are available to support you in your application:

  3. Submit your application, supporting documentation and pay the fee

    Submit your application and supporting document to the email listed on the form.

    We will check to make sure you have completed the relevant questions and provided all required documents. We will notify you, if your application is incomplete.

    You may receive an estimate of the application fee, valid for 30 days. Additional fees may apply if an RPAS inspector needs to travel for an onsite assessment.

    To proceed, you must:

    • pay the application fee (if applicable)
    • submit any other supporting documents.

    If you choose not to proceed, please notify us via email.

  4. Assessment of your application

    Once we receive your payment (if applicable) and all supporting documents, we will review your documentation and notify you if:

    • we have any feedback
    • an onsite assessment is required.

    If you don't provide a response within 30 days, we may close your request. We'll notify you if this happens.

    If you have nominated a new chief remote pilot (CRP) or chief RePL instructor (CRI), you may also be required to complete additional assessments.

    Applications can take up to 70 business days to process, depending on the complexity of your operation.

  5. Approving your significant changes

    After assessing your application, we'll notify you of the outcome.

    If your application is approved, you will receive a new ReOC or a letter approving your significant changes.

Extra Body field

Non-significant changes

You must notify us of non-significant changes to your RPAS Operations Manual within 21 days after the change occurs. We do not review these changes, so you can start using the new procedures immediately. There is no fee for making non-significant changes.

Examples of non-significant changes include:

  • adding a new RPA to Schedule 1 of your RPAS Operations Manual, as long as it is within the approved scope of your ReOC
  • updating or removing serial numbers in Schedule 1 of your RPAS Operations Manual, if required by your ReOC
  • removing RPA from Schedule 1 of your RPAS Operations Manual
  • correcting spelling errors or formatting issues
  • improving aviation safety:
    • adding procedures for a safety observer or spotter
    • enhancing training and checking process
    • implementing remote pilot recency requirements
    • setting limits on driving and flying hours
    • increasing inspection or replacement periods for parts based on maintenance trends.

How to notify non-significant changes using myCASA

  1. Create or use your Digital Identity to log into myCASA

    You can use Digital Identity to log into myCASA. If you don’t have one, it is a safe, secure and convenient way to provide or reuse your identity online.

    If you already have a myCASA account, sign in using your account details.

    Log into myCASA

  2. Vary in myCASA

    In myCASA:

    1. Log into myCASA
    2. Click on the 'Remotely piloted aircraft operator’s certificate (ReOC)' holder’s profile (Individual or organisation)
    3. Under 'Certificates and approvals' section, click on 'Manage certificates' link
    4. A list of certificates you hold will be presented
    5. Click on the ReOC certificate that you want to make non-significant change to
    6. The details of your certificate will be displayed along with 'Notify CASA of a non-significant change' button
    7. Click on the 'Notify CASA of a non-significant change' button to start providing the details.

How to notify non-significant changes by email

  1. Update your documented practices and procedures

    You must update your RPAS Operations Manual to include any non-significant changes.

  2. Notify us of any non-significant changes

    You can notify us using myCASA or download and complete the following form:

    Make sure you save the form to your device.

  3. Submit your application and supporting documentation

    Submit your form and supporting document to the email listed on the form.

    We will check to make sure you have completed the relevant questions and provided all required documents.

  4. Acknowledging your non-significant changes

    An assessment is not required for non-significant changes however you will receive an email acknowledging your submission.

Last updated:
11 Oct 2024
Online version available at:
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