Radio use at CTAFs (when YMMB, YMAV and YMEN Towers are closed)

Calls recommended all the time

SituationExample broadcast
Before take-off or during taxiMangalore traffic, C172, ZTQ taxiing runway 36for Moorabbin, Mangalore.
Inbound at least 10 nm from the aerodrome or further for high performance aircraftTyabb traffic, C172, ZTQ one zero miles west inbound 2,000, estimating circuit at two five, Tyabb.
Overflying or in the vicinity of Jandakot outside of tower hours, but not landing, or further for high performance aircraftBacchus Marsh traffic, C172, ZTQ one zero miles southwest, 2,000, overflying, estimating overhead two five, Bacchus Marsh.

Calls when there is other traffic

SituationExample broadcast
Entering a runwayTyabb traffic, C172, ZTQ lining up 17, Tyabb
Joining the circuitTyabb traffic, C172, ZTQ joining midfield crosswind, runway 17, Tyabb.
Making a straight in approach, not less than 3 nm from the touchdown threshold*Mangalore traffic C172, ZTQ joining 3 nm final, straight-in approach runway 18, Mangalore
Joining on base legLilydale traffic, C172, ZTQ joining base, runway 36, Lilydale.
During an instrument approach, either when established at the final approach fix, or when commencing the missed approachMangalore traffic, C172, ZTQ conducting missed approach, runway 18, tracking to the south, climbing 3,900, Mangalore.
Once clear of the active runway(s)Tyabb traffic, C172, ZTQ clear of runway 35, Tyabb.

*Pilots should be aware that a GNSS indication of 3 nm from an aerodrome may not be 3 nm to the runway threshold. Note: If you hear a CTAF call, respond with your location and intentions. Don’t assume you are the only aircraft in the vicinity.

Radio Frequencies 

Frequency nameFrequency
Moorabbin ground134.25
Moorabbin tower118.1 or 123.0
Moorabbin ATIS120.9 NDB 398
Melbourne Centre135.7
Melbourne approach132.0
Melbourne departures118.9 (Routes 264 radial through N to 092 radial)
129.4 (Routes 263 radial S to 093 radial)
Essendon ATIS119.8
Essendon ground121.9
Essendon tower125.1
Point Cook CTAF126.2
Avalon tower120.1
Avalon approach133.55
Avalon ATIS118.2 or 116.1 (VOR)
Avalon CTAF120.1

Phone numbers

ContactPhone number
ATIS03 8470 3216
CENSAR1800 814 931
Moorabbin AWIS
Kilmore Gap AWIS
03 8470 3216
Kilmore Gap AWIS03 8470 3216
03 8470 3210
or Freq 128.6


Published date: 31 May 2023
Online version available at:
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