Calls recommended all the time
Situation | Example broadcast |
Before take-off or during taxi | Mangalore traffic, C172, ZTQ taxiing runway 36for Moorabbin, Mangalore. |
Inbound at least 10 nm from the aerodrome or further for high performance aircraft | Tyabb traffic, C172, ZTQ one zero miles west inbound 2,000, estimating circuit at two five, Tyabb. |
Overflying or in the vicinity of Jandakot outside of tower hours, but not landing, or further for high performance aircraft | Bacchus Marsh traffic, C172, ZTQ one zero miles southwest, 2,000, overflying, estimating overhead two five, Bacchus Marsh. |
Calls when there is other traffic
Situation | Example broadcast |
Entering a runway | Tyabb traffic, C172, ZTQ lining up 17, Tyabb |
Joining the circuit | Tyabb traffic, C172, ZTQ joining midfield crosswind, runway 17, Tyabb. |
Making a straight in approach, not less than 3 nm from the touchdown threshold* | Mangalore traffic C172, ZTQ joining 3 nm final, straight-in approach runway 18, Mangalore |
Joining on base leg | Lilydale traffic, C172, ZTQ joining base, runway 36, Lilydale. |
During an instrument approach, either when established at the final approach fix, or when commencing the missed approach | Mangalore traffic, C172, ZTQ conducting missed approach, runway 18, tracking to the south, climbing 3,900, Mangalore. |
Once clear of the active runway(s) | Tyabb traffic, C172, ZTQ clear of runway 35, Tyabb. |
*Pilots should be aware that a GNSS indication of 3 nm from an aerodrome may not be 3 nm to the runway threshold. Note: If you hear a CTAF call, respond with your location and intentions. Don’t assume you are the only aircraft in the vicinity.
Radio Frequencies
Frequency name | Frequency |
Moorabbin ground | 134.25 |
Moorabbin tower | 118.1 or 123.0 |
Moorabbin ATIS | 120.9 NDB 398 |
Melbourne Centre | 135.7 |
Melbourne approach | 132.0 |
Melbourne departures | 118.9 (Routes 264 radial through N to 092 radial) 129.4 (Routes 263 radial S to 093 radial) |
Essendon ATIS | 119.8 |
Essendon ground | 121.9 |
Essendon tower | 125.1 |
Point Cook CTAF | 126.2 |
Avalon tower | 120.1 |
Avalon approach | 133.55 |
Avalon ATIS | 118.2 or 116.1 (VOR) |
Avalon CTAF | 120.1 |
Phone numbers
Contact | Phone number |
ATIS | 03 8470 3216 |
CENSAR | 1800 814 931 |
Moorabbin AWIS Kilmore Gap AWIS | 03 8470 3216 |
Kilmore Gap AWIS | 03 8470 3216 03 8470 3210 or Freq 128.6 |