Training and checking systems for flight operators

A training and checking system (TCS) ensures that operational safety-critical personnel are proficient in the required competencies to support an operator's air operations.

The main role of a TCS is to keep skills up to date for:

  • crew members (flight crew, cabin crew, air crew, medical transport specialists, task specialists)
  • other safety-critical personnel involved in the operation.

A TCS must be appropriate for the size of the operator and the nature and complexity of its operations.

Who needs a training and checking system?

You need a training and checking system if you are a:

  • Part 121 (large aeroplane air transport operator)
  • Part 133 (rotorcraft air transport operator)
  • Part 135 (small aeroplane air transport operator)
  • Part 138 (aerial work operator if required by regulation 138.125 of CASR and 138 MOS Chapter 4).

Submission and implementation deadlines

We require operators to:

  • have completed a self-assessment checklist and submitted it along with an application form and training and checking manual to us by 31 August 2024
  • implement their training and checking system by 28 February 2025.

These dates are promulgated under the authority of Parts 8, 9 and 10 of CASA EX73/24, the exemption which sets the conditions for certain Part 133, 135 and 138 operators to defer implementing new Part 119, 133, 135 and 138 training and checking rules.

Sample Training and Checking manual

We have new sample training and checking manual for operators to use. The manuals have been checked for compliance against the regulations and will allow you to easily complete the self-assessment checklist relevant to your operations. There are 2 manuals:

  • one for operators whose only crew members are flight crew members – the Part 133/135/138 sample training and checking manual (limited to flight crew member content only)
  • another for operators who use more than 1 kind of crew member (such as a combination of flight crew members plus air crew members or medical transport specialists or task specialists) – the Part 133, 135 or 138 sample training and checking manual.

The manuals have an accompanying Guide that explains how operators should use the samples. These samples are available on CASA’s industry compliance templates webpage.

The manuals do not include the content needed to enable an operator to train persons to conduct pilot proficiency checks where the persons lack current Part 61 instructor or examiner ratings. If an operator desires to use these kinds of persons to conduct pilot proficiency checks, please read our Multi-Part AC 119-11 and AC 138-02 and its accompanying Annex B for more information. This AC and its Annex are available on our Advisory Circulars webpage.

More information on the use of these sample training and checking manuals is available on the Using our sample training and checking manual webpage.

Manual Authoring Assessment Tool (MAAT)

We also have a free Manual Authoring and Assessment tool (MAAT) that is available to develop and manage your training and checking manual electronically.

Existing MAAT users can start working on the manual now.

Operators interested in using MAAT can register here to receive your login details and a link to an online tutorial.

Your submission form and self-assessment checklist can be included when you submit your manual in MAAT making the process seamless.

If you would like any assistance or have any questions, please contact us using our online form.

Head of training and checking

We must approve your Head of training and checking (HOTC).

To prepare your nominees for the assessment process, we provide training through AviationWorx. Our inspectors will assess HOTC nominees following the protocol suite assessment process.

For further information, download our Head of training and checking guide.

Training and checking personnel considerations

We encourage operators to use people who hold valid FIR/FER with current FPC/EPC or equivalent CASR 61.040 approval for in-aircraft pilot training and checking involving non-normal exercises. This approach will suit most operators and will not require our approval.

If an operator does not wish to use people who hold a valid FIR/FER with current FPC/EPC or equivalent CASR 61.040 approval and wants to train their own for training and checking (where the in-flight does involve non-normal exercises), their training system must include:

  • a specific training course
  • ongoing competency plan.

These elements of your training and checking system will be subject to approval by CASA and operator submissions must include this content.

For more information on training and checking personnel for Part 133, 135 and 138 operators read Multi-Part AC 119-11 and 138-02 (Annex B addresses this topic). 

What happens next

We will review your submission. If we approve your HOTC, we will provide you with:

  • an authority to implement your TCS
  • a letter approving the significant change for the purpose of appointing your HOTC.

Transitional instruments for training and checking systems

The expiry of CASA EX73/24 (replaced CASA EX87/21) on 28 February 2025 will require all existing operator crew members to complete the new kinds of checks required under Parts 121, 133, 135 and 138 by that date.

Recognising the challenge of completing all training and checks at once, we will provide operators with additional time by recognising competency gained under existing mechanisms. Some examples of existing mechanisms include:

  • CAO 20.11 checks
  • Part 61 flight reviews 
  • Part 61 instrument proficiency checks.

CASA has issued the following instruments to support Part 121, 133, 135 and 138 authorisation holders transitioning to the training and checking system:

Last updated:
24 May 2024
Online version available at:
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