Safety promotion sponsorship program

We've created a sponsorship program to improve and raise awareness of aviation safety in Australia’s civil aviation sector.

Apply now

Program objective

The program also helps us meet our requirements under Section 9 of the Civil Aviation Act 1988. The relevant part states:

Section 9 (2) CASA also has the following safety-related functions:

  1. encouraging a greater acceptance by the aviation industry of its obligation to maintain high standards of aviation safety, through:
    1. comprehensive safety education and training programs; and
    2. accurate and timely aviation safety advice; and
    3. fostering an awareness in industry management, and within the community generally, of the importance of aviation safety and compliance with relevant legislation;
  2. promoting full and effective consultation and communication with all interested parties on aviation safety issues.

Who can apply

The sponsorship program targets community and not-for-profit organisations or individuals.

Note that we don’t sponsor political parties or organisations (or individuals) of a political nature. We are also unlikely to sponsor commercial businesses.

Activities we may sponsor

We usually consider sponsoring:

  • workshops and seminars
  • activities that improve attitudes and behaviour towards safety improvements
  • educational programs, such as campaigns to raise awareness or inform industry about safety matters
  • virtual or online education.

We are unlikely to fund:

  • staff training costs or professional development
  • activities to raise revenue
  • labour expenses or salaries for an organisation or a commercial operation
  • electronic equipment such as laptops, data projectors and drones
  • speaker fees or travel related expenses.

Our sponsorship is usually financial support. However, it may also be 'in-kind' support. For example, we may provide goods or services such as information materials, communication collateral or CASA staff participation (for example, conference speaking).

The total value of our sponsorship for an organisation is $5,000 or less.

Safety promotion priorities

We are focused on sponsorship proposals for activities that increased awareness about the:

  • importance of pre-flight planning
  • non-controlled operations
  • weather
  • controlled aerodromes and operations
  • effect of human factors on decision making and organisational culture
  • safety management systems or practices, particularly those targeting collaboration among industry
  • aviation rules that have recently changed or are changing
  • drone safety rules.

We also consider sponsorship applications for activities outside these priorities. Usually it is where the activities have a strong safety focus, address known risk factors and lead to improved aviation safety.

Sponsorship criteria

We usually base our decisions on whether to provide sponsorship on the following criteria:

  • the total amount of funding available, and whether there is sufficient funding on balance with other applications, to support the activity
  • alignment with our current safety promotion priorities (see above)
  • the expected safety benefits
  • the potential reach (or size of the audience) relative to the cost
  • appropriate acknowledgement of our support and commitment to a collaborative relationship
  • no actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest for either us, or the organisation we sponsor
  • a commitment to provide a final report to us on the effectiveness of the funding (see obligations below).

Sponsorship obligations

In return for sponsorship, we may ask a sponsored organisation to acknowledge our support or allow us to participate in some way.

This might include:

  • our signage at the event
  • our branding on publications or other related material
  • an acknowledgement of support at events
  • an exhibition space or stand and the opportunity to hand out material
  • distribution of material in conference satchels, papers, etc
  • free registration for selected CASA staff to attend
  • opportunities for our staff to participate as speakers or run sessions or workshops.

Sponsored organisations must keep accurate accounting records for all activity costs. They must also provide us with a final report on the activity’s finances and outcomes.

Sponsorship review periods

Applications will be reviewed and you will be notified of the outcome during the following periods:

  • February – for applications received between 1 November and 31 January
  • May – for applications received between 1 February and 30 April
  • August – for applications received between 1 May and 31 July
  • November – for applications received between 1 July and 31 October.
Last updated:
23 Jan 2024
Online version available at:
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