Applying for a job at CASA

To apply for a job with us, use our online recruitment system. This is where you'll see our current vacancies and submit your application. 

You can also set up a job alert profile and get an email notification for future jobs that match your preferences.

Each vacancy has a candidate pack containing details about the role, duties, our ideal candidate, and how to apply. Review this information carefully. The listed contact officer can also provide more information on request.

Application deadlines

We must receive your application by the closing date specified in our online recruitment system. It is your responsibility to make sure you meet the deadline.

If you have problems submitting your application, please contact our Recruitment Team.

Applying for the right job

Take time to research and plan your application highlighting your skills, experience, training, and abilities required to successfully undertake the job.

Understanding the job, what is required and whether you have the right skills and experience are important in deciding whether to apply or not.


Not all of our positions require specific qualifications. However, those that do state them clearly in the Candidate Pack.

Affirmative measures applications

We advertise vacancies concurrently under affirmative measures to help people overcome employment barriers. This includes:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates
  • people living with disability.

We assess applications under affirmative measures separate to other applications applied under the general job advertisement.

These measures, along with our merit-based selection processes, increase representation in the Commonwealth. They also help our workforce accurately reflect the community we serve.

Declaring you are a person living with disability, or you are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander will not automatically include you in the process.

You can opt into the recruitment process when completing your application form. Under the diversity section tick the ‘opt in’ box to participate.

To apply for a vacancy under affirmative measures, you must demonstrate you:

  • are of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
  • identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • are accepted by your community as being Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

If you apply as someone living with disability you will need to:

  • identify as living with disability as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics definition.

If you make the shortlist for an interview, we’ll seek relevant information confirming your eligibility.

Classifications explained

As we are not an Australian Public Service (APS) agency our classifications may look a little different.

We base the level of job on the duties we require you to perform. We classify jobs and the pay rate at different levels based on:

  • complexity
  • responsibility
  • skills involved.

The most common classifications include:

  • Corporate Services Level 2 Below Barrier or Above Barrier (APS 3 and 4 equivalent): Entry level positions and general administrative, technical, project and service positions and graduate positions
  • Corporate Services Level 3 Below Barrier or Above Barrier: (APS 5 and 6 equivalent): Senior administrative, technical, project and service positions
  • Corporate Services Level 4 and 5 (Executive Level 1 and 2 equivalent): Middle management positions, team leaders, section managers and technical specialists.

Classification comparison table

CASA classificationsAPS classifications
CS 1APS 1 - APS 2
CS 2 BelowAPS 3
CS 2 AboveAPS 4
CS 3 BelowAPS 5
CS 3 AboveAPS 6
CS 4EL 1
CS 5EL 2
Last updated:
11 Sep 2023
Online version available at:
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