Extended training and testing privileges for Grade 1 training endorsement holders

Flight instructors usually need to hold an instructor rating training endorsement (FIRTE) to conduct instructor training under existing flight crew licensing rules.

Flight instructors usually also need to hold a Flight Examiner Rating (FER) to conduct flight tests.

CASA EX64/22

CASA EX64/22 Flight Training and Flight Tests by Grade 1 Training Endorsement Holders (Exemptions and Approvals) Instrument 2022 allows Grade 1 training endorsement holders to:

  • deliver additional training without holding an FIRTE
  • test for training endorsements and ratings without holding an FER.

This means Flight Training Operators (FTOs) can authorise instructors to deliver training for specified endorsements and ratings. It also authorises the instructor to test and grant the same endorsements and ratings.

Read CASA EX64/22.

Extended privileges for grade 1 training endorsement holders

There are several extended privileges under the instrument.

Extended privileges allow grade 1 training endorsement holders who do not hold a flight instructor rating training endorsement to conduct flight training for:

  • grade 2 training endorsement
  • design feature training endorsement
  • sling operations training endorsement
  • winch and rappelling operations training endorsement
  • spinning training endorsement
  • aerobatics training endorsement
  • formation (aeroplane) training endorsement
  • formation (helicopter) training endorsement
  • formation aerobatics training endorsement.

Grade 1 training endorsement holders can conduct flight tests for and grant the following authorisations they are authorised to conduct flight training for:

  • aircraft class rating
  • aircraft type rating
  • design feature training endorsement
  • sling operations training endorsement
  • winch and rappelling operations training endorsement
  • spinning training endorsement
  • aerobatics training endorsement
  • formation (aeroplane) training endorsement
  • formation (helicopter) training endorsement
  • formation aerobatics training endorsement.

Grade 1 training endorsement holders who hold an FIRTE can also conduct flight tests and grant the following authorisations they are authorised to conduct flight training for:

  • class rating training endorsement (other than multi-engine aeroplane)
  • instrument rating training endorsement
  • night VFR rating training endorsement
  • night vision imaging system rating training endorsement
  • low-level rating training endorsement.

Conditions under CASA EX64/22

Several conditions apply to a grade 1 training endorsement holder using the extended training privileges:

  • the person receiving the training must already hold a flight instructor rating
  • the grade 1 training endorsement holder must hold the same training endorsement for the training they are delivering.

Existing requirements in CASR continue to apply. The requirements for a grade 1 training endorsement holder include that they must be employed, approved for the training activities, and supervised by the FTO.

There is no further application process for the grade 1 training endorsement holder to access the extended training privileges.

Grade 1 training endorsement holders who wish to conduct flight tests must:

  • have successfully completed an instructor proficiency check within the previous 24 months. Note, this means the grade 1 training endorsement holder must have completed an instructor proficiency check with either a:
    • a flight examiner
    • CASA
    • holder of an approval under regulation 61.040 to conduct the proficiency check.
  • complete the flight examiner e-learning training modules through the MyCASA portal. These e-learning modules will be made available upon application. You will be granted access to the Flight Test Management (FTM) test notification system after completing the e-learning modules
  • hold each rating and training endorsement mentioned in the instrument as required to conduct a relevant flight test
  • be employed or engaged by an FTO who is authorised to conduct flight training for the authorisation. The FTO must also approve the grade 1 training endorsement holder to conduct flight training of that kind. This means that the FTO must:
    • have the training for the authorisation on their certificate
    • have their name on the application form to access the instrument (the application form, once signed, is transferrable between FTOs).
  • comply with a number of requirements and obligations as if the instructor were a flight examiner including:
    • meeting the experience and flight review requirements for the relevant authorisation
    • being nominated to conduct the flight test
    • conducting the test in accordance with the MOS standards and notification requirements.

Tests by a Grade 1 training endorsement holder for a subsequent training endorsement will also deliver a flight instructor proficiency check (FPC) to the instructor gaining the subsequent endorsement.

Existing requirements for FTOs

FTOs need to meet a range of requirements to allow flight instructors to deliver training.

Under existing flight crew licensing rules:

  • FTOs must have the training they have authorisation to deliver stated on their certificate or AOC
  • flight instructors delivering instructor training for an FTO must hold an FIRTE
  • an FTO must assess the flight instructor’s abilities to conduct the training, approve the instructor for the training activities, and supervise the instructor
  • grade 1 training endorsement holders must also hold a Flight Examiner Rating to conduct flight tests.

Transitioning instructors from a Grade 3 to Grade 2 under extended privileges

FTOs can transition their instructors from a Grade 3 training endorsement to a Grade 2 training endorsement in-house. FTOs can do this by using a grade 1 training endorsement holder exercising the extended training privileges.

Note an appropriately qualified flight examiner must conduct the flight test for the grant of a Grade 2 training endorsement.

FTOs can conduct training for external candidates under the extended privileges. The privileges allow FTOs to promote instructors in-house and expand the external training capacity of their organisation.

The FTO may also choose not to offer the training courses listed on the operator’s certificate to external clients.

FTOs without the required training activities on their certificate must apply to add these activities.

Accessing extended privileges

An FTO employing a grade 1 training endorsement holder wanting to use the privileges of CASA EX64/22 must:

  • have authorisation to conduct training for the relevant ratings and training endorsements they want to deliver training for
  • make sure the trainee for a training endorsement holds an instructor rating
  • have a method of recording which privileges of the instrument the Head of Operations (HOO) has approved the grade 1 training endorsement holders to exercise.

Adding additional training to operations manual or exposition

FTOs can add rating or endorsement training, including training endorsement training, to their operations manual or exposition.

To add additional training, FTOs need to complete form CASA-04-5388 Application Flight Training Operator Certificate.

FTOs forms will need to:

  • identify in section 7 significant change;
  • identify in section 15 the activity, for example, design feature training endorsement or Grade 2 training endorsement.

FTOs need to submit an amended operations manual or exposition that includes:

  • a method of recording the extended privileges being exercised by each grade 1 training endorsement holder
  • additional syllabuses (create a new syllabus or use the sample syllabuses available on CASA’s website.)

The FTO can submit the completed application to CASA and reply to any further processing requirements.

Learn more about operations manuals and expositions:

Last updated:
26 Mar 2024
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//index.php/licences-and-certificates/flight-instructors/extended-training-and-testing-privileges-grade-1-training-endorsement-holders
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