Work health and safety policy statement

The following outlines how CASA ensures the health, safety, and welfare at work of its employees and contractors.

CASA is committed to:

  • promoting and protecting the physical and psychological health and safety of workers
  • providing safe and healthy workplaces
  • establishing and monitoring management systems that prevent work-related injury and illness to workers and others who can be affected by CASA activities
  • establishing measurable objectives and targets for health and safety to ensure continuous improvement aimed at elimination of work-related illness and injury or safety risks
  • continually improving WHS performance and management systems
  • demonstrating compliance with CASA’s WHS obligations outlined in legislation.

In relation to the management of health and safety risks CASA undertakes to:

  • establish, implement, and monitor processes for the elimination of hazards and reduction of health and safety risks, as far as is reasonably practicable, using the hierarchy of controls set out in the Regulations
  • implement risk management processes that consider the nature of CASA’s workplaces and work activities and the scale of health and safety risks
  • consult, co-operate and co-ordinate with other PCBU’s (where applicable) in relation to the management of health and safety risks
  • engage in ongoing monitoring and auditing of conditions associated with CASA’s operations.

In relation to WHS training and information, CASA shall:

  • provide workers with appropriate training, information, instruction and supervision
  • disseminate WHS information to workers and visitors to the workplace, where applicable.

CASA shall ensure that:

  • health and safety implications are considered during organisational change and the procurement of goods and services
  • consultation processes are established and implemented so that workers and HSRs are included in decision-making where there is an impact on WHS processes are in place to provide assurance about the WHS management system
  • appropriate resources are provided to meet the requirements of this policy and these are reviewed at planned intervals. 


Last updated:
23 Mar 2022
Online version available at:
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