Radio procedures in non-controlled airspace

A non-controlled aerodrome is an aerodrome in non-controlled airspace, also known as ‘Class G’ airspace.

Some non-controlled aerodromes host a huge diversity of aircraft. At any time, this mix might include:

  • larger jet passenger aeroplanes
  • small propeller aeroplanes
  • helicopters
  • light sport aircraft.

Be heard, be seen, be safe

Our booklet outlines the radio procedures you need to follow in non-controlled airspace.

Download and read:

Be heard, be seen, be safe (PDF, 1.69 MB)

The booklet outlines the radio procedures you need to follow in non-controlled airspace. It describes how you must always use radio in conjunction with safe ‘see-and-avoid’ procedures.

First and foremost, you must use your eyes to look out for aircraft. This means scanning with your eyes, including above you and below you.

You must also understand how to operate safely around other aircraft types. This means operating using:

  • safe separation distances
  • collision avoidance techniques.

You can also order printed copies of Be heard, be seen, be safe, at the our online store.

Guidance and resources for pilots

We have developed guidance material for efficient and effective radio calls. The aim is to make sure:

  • the procedures are easy to follow
  • pilots are correctly following the advice for safe operations.

The following information relates to pilots flying safely in or around non-controlled aerodromes:

  • Pilot safety hub. Find a range of resources for operating in and around non-controlled aerodromes
  • Advisory Circular 91-10 - Operations in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes
  • Advisory Circular 91-14 - Pilots' responsibility for collision avoidance
  • who is allowed to transmit on an aviation radio frequency – CASR 91.625 (also includes section 21.01 of the Part 91 MOS)
  • radio calls and procedures – CASR 91.630 (includes sections 21.03, 21.04, 21.06, 21.07 and 21.09 of the Part 91 MOS) and 91.640
  • when a radio must be fitted to an aircraft and when it can be inoperative (that is not conducting a Part 103, 121, 131, 133 or 135 operation) – CASR 91.400 and Part 91 MOS sections 26.18 and 26.19
  • what procedures to carry out if a radio is inoperative in Australia – Part 91 MOS section 11.10.

Also see the Aeronautical Information Package on the Airservices Australia website.

Last updated:
27 Jul 2023
Online version available at:
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