Aircraft maintenance engineer licence (Part 66)

Part 66 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) and its Manual of Standards (MOS) prescribes our licensing system for aircraft maintenance engineers. The legislation sets out the licensing types, categories and requirements.

Categories of a Part 66 licence

CASR Part 66 contains 4 aircraft maintenance engineer licence (AEL) categories:

Category A: Line maintenance certifying mechanic

The Category A licence covers minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification. The licence is divided into the following subcategories:

  • A1 turbine-engined fixed wing aeroplane
  • A2 piston-engined fixed wing aeroplane
  • A3 turbine-engined helicopter
  • A4 piston-engined helicopter.

Category B1: Maintenance certifying engineer (mechanical)

The Category B1 licence covers maintenance of aircraft structures (airframe), powerplant and mechanical and electrical systems. The licence is divided into the following subcategories:

  • B1.1 turbine-engined fixed wing aeroplane
  • B1.2 piston-engined fixed wing aeroplane
  • B1.3 turbine-engined helicopter
  • B1.4 piston-engined helicopter.

Category B2: Maintenance certifying engineer (avionics)

The Category B2 licence covers maintenance of avionics and electrical systems, and applies to all aircraft.

Category C: Base maintenance certifying engineer

The Category C licence applies to large aeroplanes in a base maintenance environment.

Last updated:
1 Mar 2024
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