Moorabbin departure and tracking

VFR aircraft must advise departure tracking intentions to the tower with their ‘ready’ call on the appropriate tower frequency 118.1 (east) or 123.0 (west). An airways clearance for VFR aircraft to operate in the Moorabbin CTR and for VFR aircraft departing directly into Class G airspace will be issued by Moorabbin Tower. A take-off clearance constitutes a clearance to operate within the CTR or depart the zone in accordance with the intentions notified with the ‘ready’ call. VFR aircraft departing directly into Class G airspace must depart the zone on an extended leg of the circuit.

All aircraft departing directly into and remaining within Class G airspace should change to Melbourne Centre frequency 135.7 (callsign ‘Melbourne Centre’) 3 nm from Moorabbin during tower operating hours, as specific transfer instructions from Moorabbin Tower will not be issued to VFR aircraft.

Departure altitude is 2,000 ft on QNH, or higher if cloud permits. Advise tower if unable to comply. Caution - There maybe aircraft inbound to Moorabbin on circuit frequencies 118.1 (east) or 123.0 (west). Maintaining a good lookout is essential.

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Aerial view of Moorabbin aerodrome, with the Woodlands golf course circled in red, with an arrow pointing towards it from runway 17R
Moorabbin outbound to the south Woodlands golf course – upwind RWY 17R
Published date: 31 May 2023
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