Beyond visual line-of-sight operations

Beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) operations are where the remote pilot is:

  • operating in a different location to the drone
  • unable to maintain visual line-of-sight.

The requirements

To operate BVLOS, you must have a:

BVLOS flight approvals take several months to assess from the date of payment.

Specific operations risk assessment method

The Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) developed specific operations risk assessment (SORA). We adopted SORA in 2017.

In June 2024, JARUS published SORA 2.5. We anticipate CASA will provide an update on the transition to SORA 2.5 in 2025. All applications must continue to use the SORA 2.0 until this time.

You should submit your application based on the JARUS SORA (Package) and Standard Scenarios (JAR_doc_09):

You should familiarise yourself with the:

If this is your first JARUS SORA application, we recommend arranging a pre-application meeting to discuss the process. You can request a pre-application meeting using our form.

Temporary management instruction

We have published a temporary management instruction (TMI) to provide clearer guidance for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations.

This update introduces new population density bands and qualitative descriptors, which will support you to identify a more accurate ground risk class for your operational volume. The TMI incorporates elements from the latest SORA 2.5 version, including the ability to claim sheltering (in some circumstances) to reduce the ground risk class.

We hosted a free webinar designed to help you to apply to conduct beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) operations. It covered the latest tools and tips on how to make a specific operations risk assessment (SORA) based BVLOS application.

Advanced operations

To enquire or apply for SORA SAIL III or higher operations go to advanced operations.

BVLOS standard scenarios

We have developed a suite of standard scenarios that you can use to apply for BVLOS operations with common characteristics.

For applications that meet the operational characteristics of one of the scenarios you may apply using the standard scenario applicant response:

When completing your application using a BVLOS standard scenario, please refer to:

How to apply for or vary a BVLOS flight approval

  1. Complete the application form

    Download and complete the relevant sections of the following form:  

    Make sure you save it to your device.

  2. Complete or update your supporting documentation

    Complete and attach the following:

  3. Submit your application, supporting documentation and pay the fee

    Submit your application and supporting documents to the email listed on the form.

    We will check that you have completed the relevant questions and provided all required documents.  We will notify you if your application is incomplete.

    We will send you an estimate of the application fee, valid for 30 days.  Additional fees may apply if an RPAS inspector needs to travel for an onsite assessment.

    To proceed, you must:

    • pay the application fee
    • submit any supporting documents.

    If you choose not to proceed, please notify us via email.

  4. Assessment of your application

    Once we receive your payment and supporting documents, we will review your documentation and notify you if:

    • we have any feedback
    • an onsite assessment is required.

    If you don't respond within 30 days, we may close your request. We'll notify you if this happens.

  5. Issuing your BVLOS flight approval

    After assessing your application, we'll notify you of the outcome. 

    If we approve your application, you will receive a BVLOS flight approval instrument. It will include the conditions of operation.

How to renew your BVLOS flight approval

  1. Complete the application form

    Download and complete the relevant sections of the following form:

    Make sure you save it to your device.

    If your BVLOS approval instrument expires, you cannot continue to conduct BVLOS operations. 

  2. Submit the application and pay the fee

    To proceed, you must:

    • submit the application to the email address listed on the form
    • pay the application fee.

    If you choose not to proceed, please notify us via email.

  3. Assessment of your application

    We will begin assessing your application once we receive your payment.

  4. Issuing your renewed BVLOS flight approval

    After assessing your application, we’ll notify you of the outcome.

    If we approve your application, you will receive a BVLOS flight approval instrument. It will include the conditions of operation.

Extra Body field

Varying your procedures

If you need to vary your BVLOS procedures refer to the significant or non-significant changes section on the ReOC webpage.

Last updated:
17 Dec 2024
Online version available at:
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