Notify of GELP outcome through myCASA
To notify us through myCASA, follow these steps:
- Log in to myCASA using your individual account. Navigate to the myCASA portal and enter your email address and password to log in. You can also use Digital Identity to login to the portal.
- Locate 'Flight crew licencing services' and select 'English language proficiency (ELP) notification'.
- Navigate to 'Assessee details' and select 'Flight Crew Licence'.
- Enter the assessee’s details including name, ARN and details of the assessment.
- Select 'General English Language Proficiency notice' in the drop down and check the boxes where the student has demonstrated their ability. Select 'Add assessee'.
- Select 'Save and exit application' to complete the notification.
Notify of GELP outcome by email
If you need to notify us by email, you must:
- Download the form below.
- Enter your personal details and make sure to save it on to your device.
- Email or post your application.