General English language proficiency

If you use an aeronautical radio, you will need to meet general English language proficiency (GELP).

The GELP assesses your everyday use of English. It's aimed at people who are either just starting their flying training or want to be able to use aviation air-band radios.

It doesn't test your knowledge of aviation terminology and can only be used to apply for certain licences and certificates. For example, a recreational pilot licence (RPL) without a flight radio endorsement and aeronautical radio operator certificate (AROC).

If you want to test your aviation terminology you will need an aviation English language proficiency (AELP).

Who needs a GELP assessment

You may need a GELP assessment for:

  • recreational pilot licence holders (RPL) who don't have a ‘flight radio endorsement’
  • remote pilot licence holders (RePL)
  • an aeronautical radio operator certificate (AROC)

Below is a list of what you need to get an assessment.

Applying for a GELP assessment

  1. Step 1: Find an assessor

    You will need to be assessed by one of the following:

    • a CASA delegate
    • a flight examiner with English language assessment approval
    • a person approved to conduct GELP assessments
    • a head of operations of a flight training organisation
    • a grade 1 instructor authorised by the head of operations
    • the chief remote pilot (CRP) of a remote pilot licence (RePL) training organisation
    • an RePL training instructor authorised by the CRP.
  2. Step 2: Provide evidence

    To show your general English language proficiency you must provide proof that you:

    • completed or are completing secondary school in Australia or New Zealand, or the equivalent in an English-speaking country
    • worked in Australia or New Zealand for at least 3 of the last 5 years
    • worked in a specified country for at least 3 of the last 5 years and successfully completed an English language proficiency test
    • passed an English language proficiency test
    • completed a CASA-approved English language proficiency (ELP) course.

    An assessor will also need to be satisfied that the evidence is genuine.

  3. Step 3: English language proficiency test results

    To get your GELP, your results on the English language proficiency tests must be at least:

    • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) general or academic training module overall grade of 5.5, with no individual grade in a paper lower than 5
    • Test of English for International Communication-Secure Program (TOEIC-Secure Program/ Public Testing Centre with grades not less than:
      • 350 for listening
      • 300 for reading
      • 160 for speaking
      • 140 for writing
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based test (TOEFL iBT): grade no less than 71
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language computer-based test (TOEFL CBT): grade no less than 197
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language paper-based test (TOEFL PB) with a grade no less than 530
    • assessed by a CASA approved assessor as meeting the requirements of Schedule 2 of the CASR Part 61 MOS.
  4. Step 4: Interview

    You will need an interview with an assessor. You must show them written evidence of your language proficiency. You both must be able to understand each other.

    The interview should take 20 to 30 minutes. It will assess your ability to:

    • pronounce words clearly, using an accent that is not difficult to understand
    • convey information in clearly structured sentences without confusion or ambiguity
    • use vocabulary to accurately communicate on general and technical topics without excessive use of:
      • jargon
      • slang
      • colloquial language
    • speak fluently without long pauses, repetition or excessive false starts
    • respond to communications with actions that show that you have understood
    • exchange information clearly in a variety of situations with both expert and non-expert English speakers while giving and receiving timely and appropriate responses
    • use techniques such as questioning, non-verbal communication and paraphrasing to validate communications.

    You won't be tested on aviation terminology.

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Interview requirements for assessors

When preparing interview questions, an assessor should:

  • prepare questions that are valid and challenging
  • ensure questions are not ambiguous
  • ensure that the content is not technical
  • avoid closed questions (those that require a yes or no answer)
  • ask questions similar to the complexity you would expect during a training exercise.

The assessment ensures that an applicant has sufficient English language skills to communicate clearly and effectively during their training, operations and, where appropriate, operating air-band radios.

Notify us of the outcome

After the interview the assessor must notify us of the outcome.

  1. Have this information ready before you begin:

    Assessors can complete the GELP notification online via myCASA if they have:

    • an Instrument of Approval
    • an approval on their FER to conduct GELP assessments.

    You also need to create a myCASA account to notify us.

  2. Log in to your myCASA account

    Navigate to the myCASA portal and enter your email address and password to log in.

    You can also use Digital Identity to login to the portal.

Last updated:
20 Dec 2022
Online version available at:
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