Contact us

We'd like to hear from you. Find out how to make an enquiry, ask for help, report something unsafe and more.

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You can also create an account to keep track of some enquiries. Register now or log in if you’ve already got an account.

Reports and complaints

Lodge a complaint, or ask to review a decision. You can also report unsafe activity.

Contact CASA


131 757

You can contact us from Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm (AEDST), excluding national public holidays. Use +61 2 6217 1449 if overseas.

By post

GPO Box 2005
Canberra  ACT  2601

ABN 44 808 014 470


Our locations

We recognise the traditional names of the land on which our offices are located.

Canberra (Kamberri)

18 Marcus Clarke Street

Civic ACT 2601

Adelaide (Tarndanya)

Level 1, 80 Grenfell Street

Adelaide SA 5000

Brisbane (Meeanjin)

180 Ann Street

Brisbane QLD 4000

Cairns (Gimuy)

Level 11, 15 Lake St

Cairns City QLD 4870

Darwin (Garramilla)

2 Fenton Court

Eaton NT 0820

Melbourne (Naarm)

Level 13

720 Bourke Street

Docklands Vic 3008

Perth (Boorloo)

Level 18 Allendale Square

77 St Georges Terrace

Perth WA 6000

Sydney (Waran)

Level 2 Centennial Plaza (Tower A)

260 Elizabeth Street

Surry Hills NSW 2010

Tamworth (Calala)

Cnr Rentell St & Basil Brown Drive

Tamworth Airport NSW 2340

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