We have introduced a flexible pathway for you to get your aircraft maintenance engineer licence (a Part 66 licence).
This pathway adopts a modular licensing structure, which allows you to:
- get a licence sooner with exclusions (limitations)
- add to the scope of your licence (remove the exclusions). This applies as you get more experience and, where applicable, pass further exams.
Benefits to modular licensing
Modular licensing provides you with greater flexibility to:
- quickly achieve an initial Part 66 licence
- gradually increase the scope of your licence as you get more experience and, where applicable, pass further exams.
It is ideal if you:
- wish to specialise and remain within a certain licence scope
- do not have a strong interest in other aspects of the full category licence
- do not have access to work experience for all aspects of a full category licence.
Maintenance organisations also have flexibility to expand the licence scope of their employees to meet the needs of the business.
How modular licensing works
Once you have completed the core basic knowledge exams and experience required for a particular modular licence you can apply for the licence.
We issue the licence with 'exclusions' endorsed on it that define the scope of 'certification privileges' of your licence. If you wish, you can complete further exams and gain further experience to have those 'exclusions' removed.
Understanding exclusions
An exclusion is a limitation applied to the licence by us. It excludes the holder of the licence from certifying maintenance carried out on an aircraft system for which you have not been trained on. For example, no basic knowledge and practical experience on the aircraft system.
Understanding your certification privileges
You can find privileges of your licence under section 66.A.20 of the Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS).
Within the Part 66 licensing system, there are 2 levels of certification of maintenance. They are:
- a maintenance certification
- a certificate of release to service (CRS).
The 2 levels form the basis of the ‘certification privileges’ the holder of a Part 66 licence may exercise.
For more information on licence privileges, refer to Section 3 of Advisory Circular AC 66-08 – Part 66 aircraft engineer licences – privileges
Category B licences
Currently a Part 66 Category B1 (mechanical) licence has the following subcategories:
- B1.1 aeroplanes - turbine
- B1.2 aeroplanes - piston
- B1.3 helicopters - turbine
- B1.4 helicopters - piston
A Part 66 Category B2 (avionics) licence does not have any subcategories.
In the modular licensing structure you have the following options:
Category B1 licence options:
- aeroplane airframes only
- helicopter airframes only
- powerplant piston engines only
- powerplant turbine engines only
- electrical / instrument systems extension.
Category B2 licence options
- electrical systems only
- instrument systems only
- radio systems only.
B1 modular licences — certification privileges and limitations
B1.1 / B1.2 Aeroplanes - airframes only
Unless your licence is specifically subject to a mechanical or structural systems exclusion, you may certify completion of maintenance for:
- all aeroplane mechanical and structural systems.
You are excluded from certifying maintenance for:
- powerplant (turbine and piston), electrical and avionics systems.
B1.3 / B1.4 Helicopters - airframes only
Unless your licence is specifically subject to a mechanical or structural systems exclusion, you may certify completion of maintenance for:
- all helicopter mechanical and structural systems.
You are excluded from certifying maintenance for:
- powerplant (turbine and piston) electrical and avionics systems.
B1.2 / B1.4 Powerplant - piston engines only
Unless your licence is specifically subject to a mechanical or structural systems exclusion, you may certify completion of maintenance for:
- all piston powerplant components and systems.
You are excluded from certifying maintenance for:
- airframe systems, turbine engines, electrical and avionics systems.
B1.1 / B1.3 Powerplant - turbine engines only
Unless your licence is specifically subject to a mechanical or structural systems exclusion, you may certify completion of maintenance for:
- all turbine powerplant components and systems.
You are excluded from certifying maintenance for:
- airframes systems, piston engines, electrical and avionics systems.
B1 basic knowledge — subject module requirements
You must successfully complete:
- 8 examinations to qualify for an airframe-only licence
- 8 examinations to qualify for a powerplant-only licence
- 7 examinations to qualify for a turbine powerplant-only licence (for aircraft that do not have a propeller, such as turbofan aeroplanes).
B1 modular licence examination requirements
The following table shows which subject modules apply to each B1 modular licence.
- Cells with 'Yes' means the subject module applies to the modular licence.
- Cells with '—' means the subject module doesn’t apply to the modular licence.
Subject module | B1.1 / B1.2 aeroplane (airframe) | B1.3 / B1.4 helicopter (airframe) | B1.2 / B1.4 piston (powerplant) | B1.1 / B1.3 turbine (powerplant |
1. Mathematics | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2. Physics | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
3. Electrical fundamentals | — | — | — | — |
4. Electronic fundamentals | — | — | — | — |
5. Digital techniques electronic instrument systems | — | — | — | — |
6.Materials and hardware | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
7. Maintenance practices | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
8. Basic aerodynamics | Yes | Yes | — | — |
9. Human factors | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
10. Aviation legislation | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
11A. Turbine aeroplane aerodynamics, structures and systems | Yes (B1.1) | — | — | — |
11B. Piston aeroplane aerodynamics, structures and systems | Yes (B1.2) | — | — | — |
12. Helicopter aerodynamics, structures and systems | — | Yes | — | — |
15. Gas turbine engines | — | — | — | Yes |
16. Piston engines | — | — | Yes | — |
17. Propeller | — | — | Yes (B1.2) | Yes (B1.1) |
* Optional for turbine powerplants in aircraft without propellers (such as turbofan aeroplanes)
Additional subjects may be undertaken to qualify for licence extensions. You may undertake these at the same time as the exams required in Table 1 or defer until needed.
Optional B1 extension examinations
Some subject modules provide an electrical systems and instrument systems extension to a B1 modular licence. These include:
- Module 3: Electrical fundamentals
- Module 4: Electronic fundamentals
- Module 5: Digital techniques electronic instrument systems
What a modular licence looks like
A modular licence looks much the same as a full licence. It identifies the date of issue, the category or subcategory of licence you hold and the extent of privileges of your licence, defined by the range of exclusions endorsed on your licence.
B2 modular licences — certification privileges and limitations
B2 - Electrical Systems only
Unless your licence is specifically subject to a mechanical or structural systems exclusion, you may certify completion of maintenance for:
- all electrical generation storage and distribution systems. Electrically powered aeronautical products such as starter motors, flap actuation systems etc.
You are excluded from certifying maintenance for:
- all instrument systems and radio systems.
B2 - Instrument systems only
Unless your licence is specifically subject to a mechanical or structural systems exclusion, you may certify completion of maintenance for:
- all instrument systems.
You are excluded from certifying maintenance for:
- all electrical systems and radio systems.
B2 - Radio systems only
Unless your licence is specifically subject to a mechanical or structural systems exclusion, you may certify completion of maintenance for:
- all radio communication and navigation systems.
You are excluded from certifying maintenance for:
- all electrical systems and instrument systems.
B2 basic knowledge — subject module requirements
You must successfully complete 10 examinations plus applicable (but not all) topics from module 13 (aircraft structures and systems).
B2 modular licence examination requirements
The following table shows which subject modules apply to each B2 modular licence.
- Cells with ‘Yes’ means the subject module applies to the modular licence.
- Cells with ‘—' means the subject module doesn’t apply to the modular licence.
Subject modules | B2 electrical systems only | B2 instrument systems only | B2 radio systems only |
1. Mathematics | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2. Physics | Yes | Yes | Yes |
3. Electrical fundamentals | Yes | Yes | Yes |
4. Electronic fundamentals | Yes | Yes | Yes |
5. Digital techniques electronic instrument systems | Yes | Yes | Yes |
6. Materials and hardware | Yes | Yes | Yes |
7. Maintenance practices | Yes | Yes | Yes |
8. Basic aerodynamics | Yes | Yes | Yes |
9. Human factors | Yes | Yes | Yes |
10. Aviation legislation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
11A. Turbine aeroplane aerodynamics, structures and systems | — | — | — |
11B. Piston aeroplane aerodynamics, structures, and systems | — | — | — |
12. Helicopter aerodynamics, structures, and systems | — | — | — |
13. Aircraft structures and systems. Topic 13.1 Theory of flight | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Topic 13.2 Structures-general concepts | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Topic 13.3 Autopilots (ATA22) | — | Yes | — |
Topic 13.4 Communication and navigation (ATA23/34) | — | Yes | Yes |
Topic 13.5 Electrical power (ATA24) | Yes | — | — |
Topic.13.6 Equipment and furnishings (ATA25) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.7 Flight controls (ATA27) | Yes | Yes | — |
Topic 13.8 Instruments (ATA31) | — | Yes | — |
Topic 13.9 Lights (ATA33) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.10 On-board maintenance systems (ATA45) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.11 Air-conditioning and cabin pressurisation (ATA21) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.12 Fire protection (ATA26) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.13 Fuel systems (ATA 28) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.14 Hydraulic power (ATA 29) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.15 Ice and rain protection (ATA 30) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.16 Landing gear (ATA 32) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.17 Oxygen (ATA 35) | Yes | — | |
Topic 13.18 Pneumatic/ vacuum (ATA 36) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.19 Water/waste (ATA 38) | Yes | — | — |
Topic 13.20 Integrated modular avionics (ATA 42) | — | Yes | Yes |
Topic 13.21 Cabin systems (ATA 44) | — | Yes | Yes |
Topic 13.22 Information systems (ATA 46) | — | Yes | Yes |
14. Propulsion — avionic systems | — | Yes | — |
How exclusions work
Your modular licence initially will include many exclusions. As you gain further practical experience and pass more basic knowledge exams, you can have these exclusions removed from your licence.
B1 modular licence exclusions
The following table shows exclusions we may apply to a B1 modular licence.
- Cells with ‘Yes’ means the exclusion applies to the modular licence
- Cells with ‘—' means the exclusion doesn’t apply.
Exclusion | B1.1 / B1.2 aeroplane (airframe) | B1.3 / B1.4 helicopter (airframe) | B1.1 / B1.3 turbine (powerplant) | B1.2 / B1.4 piston (powerplant) |
E1 – Excluding electrical systems | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
E2 - Excluding mechanical or structural | — | — | Yes | Yes |
E3 - Excluding powerplant systems | Yes | Yes | — | — |
E4 – Excluding electrical subsystems of mechanical, powerplant or structural systems. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
E5 - Excluding instrument subsystems of mechanical, powerplant or structural systems. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
E6 - Excluding avionic LRUs | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
E9 - Excluding fabric surfaces | Yes | — | — | — |
E10 - Excluding wooden structures | Yes (B1.2 only) | — | — | — |
E12 - Excluding propellers | — | — | Yes | Yes (B1.4 only) |
Further exclusions may also appear on your licence. To get these exclusions removed, you will need to successfully complete the relevant CASA knowledge module examination(s) (if applicable) and gain the required practical experience on the excluded system.
B1 modular licence — additional exclusions
The following additional exclusions may be applied to a B1 modular licence, subject to an assessment:
- E31: Excluding pressurisation systems
- E33: Excluding supercharging systems
- E41: Excluding oxygen systems
- E42: Excluding landing gear retraction systems.
B2 modular licence exclusions
The following table shows exclusions we may apply to a B2 modular licence.
- Cells with 'Yes' means the exclusion applies to the modular licence
- Cells with '—' means the exclusion doesn’t apply.
Exclusion | B2 electrical systems | B2 instrument systems | B2 radio systems |
E5 - Excluding instrument subsystems of mechanical, powerplant or structural systems. | Yes | — | Yes |
E7 - Excluding instrument aspects of avionic systems - ATA 22, 27, 31, 34 and 42 | Yes | — | Yes |
E8 - Excluding radio aspects of avionic systems - ATA 23, 34, 42 and 44 | Yes | Yes | — |
Further exclusions may also appear on your licence. To get these exclusions removed from your licence, you will need to successfully complete the relevant CASA knowledge module examination(s) (if applicable) and gain the required practical experience on the excluded system.
B2 modular licence — additional exclusions
The following is an example of some additional exclusions that may be applied to a B2 modular licence, subject to an assessment:
- Cells with ‘Yes’ means the exclusion applies to the modular licence
- Cells with ‘—' means the exclusion doesn’t apply.
Exclusion | B2 instrument systems | B2 radio systems
E11 - Excluding audio CVR systems | — | Yes |
E18 - Excluding ADF systems | — | Yes |
E19 - Excluding VOR systems | — | Yes |
E20 - Excluding ILS systems | — | Yes |
E21 - Excluding weather radar systems | — | Yes |
E22 - Excluding ATC transponder systems | — | Yes |
E23 - Excluding radar altimeter systems | — | Yes |
E24 - Excluding DME systems | — | Yes |
E26 - Excluding satellite navigation systems | — | Yes |
E27 - Excluding autopilots | Yes | — |
E30 - Excluding Inertial navigation and reference systems | Yes | — |
E31 - Excluding pressurisation systems | Yes | — |