Change, transfer or cancel aircraft registration

If the ownership status of an aircraft changes, you must transfer or cancel the aircraft registration.

How to apply for aircraft registration changes

  1. Transfer a registration

    After the transfer of the ownership of an aircraft, the registration holder or seller must notify us within 14 days after the transfer.

    The new owner or buyer must apply to become the registration holder within 28 days after the transfer of ownership. We will suspend the aircraft registration if you fail to notify us in the required time.

    You can transfer an aircraft registration through the myCASA portal. The following steps provide a process for:

    • former owners
    • new owners
    • operators.

    The process allows for hybrid transactions such as an organisation transferring to an individual.

    Application process: former owner

    The former owner must notify of a transfer of registration within 14 days.

    1. Login to myCASA using your personal login details.
    2. Select 'manage aircraft' from the menu.

    If you are representing an organisation (including your own) and you have not previously registered, you will need to become an authorised representative. Follow our steps for becoming an authorised representative.

    1. Select 'Manage' and complete the online form authorising the transfer of the registration.
    2. The responsibility of the former owner is complete once lodged.
    3. We will notify the new owner who will then complete the transfer of registration.

    If you’re having trouble transferring aircraft ownership using myCASA, you can contact us directly. We can then guide you through the process.

  2. Application process: New owner

    Once the former owner lodges their form, the new owner must then lodge theirs.

  3. Authorised representative

    To become an authorised representative, login to myCASA using your personal aviation reference number (ARN).

    1. Select 'Organisations and Businesses'.
    2. Select 'I want to link to an existing organisation ARN'.
    3. Provide the organisation ARN that you are representing/
    4. Enter the security code. You can find the code in the email sent to the address recorded in your company’s myCASA’s profile.
    5. Enter the code. You are now an authorised representative.

    This authorised representative can:

    • transact on behalf of the company
    • Remove redundant authorised representatives as long as at least one representative remains.
  4. Confirm aircraft details

    If you or your organisation has registered aircraft, you can now confirm the registration details in myCASA.

    Confirming your organisation’s aircraft registration details in myCASA will make sure that your details are up to date. You’ll also have visibility of your aircraft data at any time.

    To do this you’ll need:

    • an ARN and a myCASA account
    • to be an authorised representative, company director or CEO if confirming on behalf of an organisation

    If your details are incorrect, you can contact us through our aircraft registration enquiries form.

  5. Cancel your registration

    To cancel your aircraft registration, the registration holder must complete Cancellation of an aircraft registration form 26.

  6. Change aircraft details

    You must notify us of a change in aircraft details by completin Change of aircraft details form 30.

Translations of documents not in English

You must provide all documents in English. If your documents are not in English, you must provide a certified translation from the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). It must also include the NAATI translator's stamp.

Last updated:
31 Oct 2023
Online version available at:
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