Flight examiner rating course

The CASA flight examiner rating course (FERC) is for people who want to gain a flight examiner rating or flight examiner endorsement through CASA's facilitated training.

FERC is competency-based training and complies with the CASR Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS).

The FERC provides training and assessment for the following flight examiner endorsements (both aeroplane and helicopter categories):

  • private pilot licence flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • commercial pilot licence flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • air transport pilot licence flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • multi-engine class rating flight test endorsement
  • type rating flight test endorsement (type specific)
  • instrument rating flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • night visual flight rules (VFR) rating flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • night vision imaging system rating flight test endorsement
  • low-level rating flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • aerial application rating flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • flight instructor rating flight test endorsement (category specific).

How to enrol into the FERC

You can enrol in the FERC if you are:

  • a new applicant wishing to achieve a CASR Part 61 flight examiner rating for the first time.
  • a flight examiner wanting an additional endorsement

To apply, submit the following form:

Form 61-FER application of enrolment flight examiner rating course (PDF, 459.39 KB)

Instructions on how to submit are included in the form.

Once enrolled, applicants can access the FERC via the AviationWorx online learning system.

Course details

The course comprises 5 phases:

  • e-Learning modules and workbook
  • a workshop
  • practical training
  • an interview by CASA
  • an FER flight test.

e-Learning modules (phase 1)

If this is your first examiner rating, you need to complete all 6 modules.

If you already have a flight examiner rating, you need to complete modules 4 to 6.

Module 1 – Legal and general administration

This module helps applicants understand the privileges, limitations and obligations of the flight examiner rating.

The module covers the following topics:

On completion, you will be able to explain the:

  • authority given by the rating and endorsements
  • flight test requirements
  • proficiency check requirements.

Module 2 – Understanding assessment

This module focuses on what a flight examiner needs to know to construct a well-designed and effective assessment.

Topics include:

  • definitions and principles of assessment
  • understanding the role of evidence
  • types of methods
  • factors affecting assessment
  • effective questioning
  • planning, conducting and completing assessments.

On completion, you will be able to apply the basic principles and methods of assessment.

Module 3 – Assessing human factors and non-technical skills

This module helps participants understand and incorporate human factors (HF) and non-technical skills (NTS) into flight tests or proficiency checks. It also provides guidance for assessing HF and NTS.

Topics include:

  • assessing HF and NTS
  • HF and NTS considerations and the assessment of airmanship
  • threat and error management
  • multi-crew operations
  • poor non-technical skills.

After finishing this module, you will be able to assess HF and NTS.

Module 4 – Core principles: plan

This module is the first of 3 that explores the practical aspects of the flight test or proficiency check.

Topics include:

  • examiner requirements
  • components of planning a flight test, including:
    • administration
    • knowledge requirements
    • practical flying standards
    • post-flight
    • post-flight administration.

After finishing this module, you will:

  • understand the legal obligations for conducting a flight test
  • understand the legal obligations for conducting a proficiency check
  • be able to describe the sequence of events of a flight test
  • be able to describe the sequence of events of a proficiency check.

Module 5 – Core principles: conduct

This module expands on the flight test or proficiency check covered in Module 4. It looks at each of the planning principles from a conducting perspective.

Topics include:

  • using the flight test management system
  • preparing the applicant
  • pre-flight and post-flight briefings and activities
  • administrative requirements.

After finishing this module, you will understand how to:

  • complete the flight test notification
  • conduct a flight test
  • conduct a proficiency check.

Module 6 – Core principles: complete

In the final module, you will focus on what needs to happen to complete the flight test or proficiency check. This includes administration, who to brief and when.

Topics include:

  • review of legislation
  • debriefings
  • making entries and adding qualifications to the CASR Part 61 licence
  • updating the flight test management system.

After finishing this module, you will understand how to advise and debrief a:

  • flight test applicant
  • Air Transport training organisation
  • CASR Part 141 flight training operator
  • CASR Part 142 flight training operator.


During modules 4-6, applicants will be required, through the completion of a workbook, to construct relevant briefings, knowledge requirement questions, and a flight test profile that complies with the Part 61 MOS and the FEH.

Workshop (Phase 2)

Only applicants seeking one of the following endorsements need to undertake the workshop:

  • private pilot licence flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • commercial pilot licence flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • instrument rating flight test endorsement (category specific)
  • flight instructor rating flight test endorsement (category specific).

The workshop is either a one-day classroom session conducted face-to-face or two half-day webinar sessions conducted online. It involves group work and individual activities with facilitated discussion and case studies, all to review examiner behaviours. We hold the classroom workshops at our CASA offices in various locations. Classroom workshops are typically limited to 10 participants and webinar workshops limited to 5 participants.

Applicants will need to use their workbook to present flight testing scenarios relevant to their flight test endorsement(s) and location.

How to enrol into a workshop

You must enrol for a workshop through AviationWorx at least 21 days before the workshop date. See the workshop timetable below.

You can enrol after you have completed all the e-learning modules. Each workshop has a limited number of participants. We process enrolments as we receive them and you may not get your preferred date. If this happens, we will advise you and offer you the next available workshop.

You will receive confirmation of enrolment in a workshop once:

  • you have submitted your workbook at the end of e-Learning Module 6
  • a CASA flight training examiner has assessed it.

Workshop timetable

CASA OfficeCourse dateEnrolments closeLatest date to complete and submit Module 6
Webinar11-12 December 20244 December 202427 November 2024
Webinar12-13 February 20255 February 202527 February 2025
Sydney12 March 20255 March 20256 March 2025
Webinar 9-10 April 20252 April 202526 March 2025
Webinar14-15 May 20257 May 20251 May 2025
Adelaide18 June 202511 June 20254 June 2025
Webinar16-17 July 20259 July 20252 July 2025
Adelaide20 August 202513 August 20256 August 2025
Webinar17-18 September 202510 September 20253 September 2025
Perth15 October 20258 October 20251 October 2025
Webinar19-20 November 202512 November 20255 November 2025
Sydney17 December 202510 December 20253 December 2025

*Webinar workshops may be run more often in response to demand and subject to facilitator availability.

**Course dates and locations may change based on course numbers and CASA requirements. We will notify registered applicants of any change.

Practical Training (phase 3)

Practical training is the skills training component of the FERC. It comprises observing flight tests and practice conducting them under supervision, with coaching provided by a CASA approved senior examiner.

Alternatively, you, together with your senior examiner may submit a course of scenario based training and formative assessment that delivers the same competencies. An application to have scenario-based training approved should include lesson plans and a course design matrix that demonstrates where each competency is trained and assessed. Applications should be forwarded to the Flight Testing Office by email.

The nominated senior examiner must:

  • hold the same flight examiner endorsement you seek
  • have significant experience in conducting those flight tests.

Interview by CASA (phase 4)

We must conduct an interview when granting the flight examiner rating (the initial examiner qualification). An interview is not needed for subsequent flight examiner endorsements.

We will conduct the interview on an individual basis to make sure the applicant has the necessary skills and experience. The interview is usually conducted on the day of the flight test, prior to the ground component. It will consider reports generated throughout the eLearning modules.

FER flight Test (phase 5)

All applicants must complete a flight test as set out in Schedule 5 of Part 61 MOS. CASA will conduct the flight test at a time and place agreed with the flight test applicant.

The flight test may be one of the following:

  • the observation of a 'real' flight test
  • the observation of a proficiency check
  • a simulated flight test.
Last updated:
9 Oct 2023
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//index.php/licences-and-certificates/flight-examiners/flight-examiner-rating-course
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