Radio use and general procedures at non-towered aerodromes

Recommended calls

Situation Situation Example broadcast
Before take-off or during taxi Kununurra traffic, C172, ZTQ taxiing runway 30 for Darwin, Kununurra.
Inbound at least 10 nm from the aerodrome or further for high performance aircraft or busy aerodromes Kununurra traffic, C172, ZTQ one zero miles north inbound 1,500, estimating circuit at two five, Kununurra.
Overflying or in the vicinity of Tindal outside tower hours, but not landing, or further for high performance aircraft Tindal traffic, C172, ZTQ one zero miles southwest, 2,000, overflying, estimating overhead two five, Tindal.
Entering a runway Emkaytee traffic, C172, ZTQ lining up 07, Emkaytee.
Joining the circuit Emkaytee traffic, C172, ZTQ joining crosswind, runway 07, Emkaytee.
Making a straight-in approach, not less than 3 nm from the touch-down threshold* Kununurra traffic, C172, ZTQ joining 3 nm final, straight-in approach runway 13, Kununurra.
Joining on base leg Delissaville traffic, C172, ZTQ joining base, runway 30, Delissaville.
During an instrument approach, either when established at the final approach fix, or when commencing the missed approach Tindal traffic, C172, ZTQ conducting missed approach, runway 14, tracking to the south east, climbing 2,300, Tindal.
Once clear of the active runway(s) Emkaytee traffic, C172, ZTQ clear of runway 25, Emkaytee.

*Pilots should be aware that a GNSS indication of 3 from an aerodrome may not be 3 nm to the runway threshold.

Frequencies Frequency
Darwin Ground 121.8
Darwin Tower 133.1
Darwin Approach East 125.2
Darwin Approach West 134.1
Darwin Departures 123.0
ATIS 128.25
Brisbane Centre 118.15
Emkaytee CTAF 127.1
Bathurst Island CTAF 126.5
Delissaville CTAF 126.7
Contact Phone number
Darwin Tower 08 7929 4816
Darwin Approach 08 7929 4817
ATIS 08 7929 4787
CENSAR 1800 814 931


Updated: 12 November 2024
Online version available at:
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