Recent enforcement actions

See the list of enforcement actions and decisions and the reason we have taken these actions.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
Date of decision Authorisation holder Authorisation(s) affected and action taken Summary of reasons for decision Decision outcomes
Individual Licence Holder Commercial Pilot Licence Helicopter and Air Transport Licence Helicopter cancelled in accordance with paragraphs 269(1)(c) and (d) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

CASA found that the pilot who held a position of responsibility in an aviation organisation failed to carry out their duties to ensure the safe operations and navigation of aircraft under their control.

The pilot engaged in conduct that included flight operations that were reckless in their nature, the failure to record aircraft maintenance faults, making false statements in maintenance documentation and the failure to record the time in service of aircraft that the pilot was operating.

Was the decision stayed?

Not at this time.

Has the decision been varied, set aside or remitted for reconsideration or review?

Not at this time.

Helibrook Pty Ltd Air Operator’s Certificate issued under section 27 of the Civil Aviation Act 1998 cancelled in accordance with subsection 28BA(3) of the Civil Aviation Act 1988.

It was identified that:

  • the operator failed to adequately record pilot flight and duty times;
  • the operator’s personnel engaged in fraudulent conduct that involved the falsification of maintenance records of aircraft;
  • the operator allowed aircraft to be operated while the time in service was not being recorded;
  • the operator allowed the reckless operation of aircraft during tourist and filming operations;
  • the operator allowed unqualified personnel to pilot or operate aircraft;
  • the operator failed to adequately induct personnel involved in flight operations;
  • the operator failed to comply with a CASA Instrument of approval for Human External Cargo operations; and
  • the operator carried dangerous goods when not authorised to do so.

Was the decision stayed?

Not at this time.

Has the decision been varied, set aside or remitted for reconsideration or review?

Not at this time.

Individual licence holder Recreational Pilot Licence was suspended immediately under section 30DC of the Civil Aviation Act 1988.

CASA has reason to believe that the pilot had engaged and may engage in conduct that constitutes, contributes to or results in a serious and imminent risk to air safety.

Find out more about CASA’s power to immediately suspend an authorisation for serious and imminent risk to safety.

Was the decision stayed?


Has the decision been varied, set-aside or remitted for reconsideration on review?

In the first instance, the disposition of this decision will be a matter for the Federal Court, to which CASA has made an application for orders allowing for the suspension to continue pending CASA’s further investigation into the circumstances that gave rise to CASA’s decision to suspend the authorisation.

Individual Licence Holder Commercial Pilot Licence Helicopter cancelled in accordance with paragraphs 269(1)(c) and (d) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

CASA found that the pilot engaged in conduct that included flight operations that the pilot was not authorised to carry out, unlawful conduct of maintenance, the failure to record aircraft maintenance faults, the fraudulent submission of maintenance documentation and the failure to record the time in service of aircraft that the pilot was operating.

Was the decision stayed?

Not applicable

Has the decision been varied, set aside or remitted for reconsideration or review?

Not at this time.

Individual Licence Holder Commercial Pilot Licence Helicopter and Aircraft Engineer Licence (AEL) suspended for a period of 12 months in accordance with paragraphs 269(1)(c) and (d) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

CASA found that the pilot engaged in conduct that included the unlawful carriage of dangerous goods, unlawful conduct of maintenance, the failure to record aircraft maintenance faults, the fraudulent submission of maintenance documentation and the failure to record the time in service of aircraft that the pilot was operating.

Was the decision stayed?

Not applicable

Has the decision been varied, set aside or remitted for reconsideration or review?


Amber Aero Engineering (Australia) Pty Ltd Cancellation of Certificate of Approval issued under regulation 30 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR).

Between 19-21 July 2022, a CASA surveillance event was conducted. A total of 20 safety findings were made by the audit team.

Safety findings are required to be correctively actioned by the organisation in a timely fashion. In this case, 17 of the 20 safety findings were not acquitted. The company committed to an Action Plan to address the unacquitted findings, but did not adequately fulfill its commitment to do so.

Due to failures in the organisation's maintenance record keeping obligations, quality control and, among other things, the use of unqualified personnel, The company was found by CASA to have contravened CAR 30(3A), CAR 42ZE(1) and CAR 42ZP(1). On this basis, CASA found that the authorisation holder failed in its duty as the holder of a Certificate of Approval; and no longer satisfied the requirements for the issue of a Certificate of Approval. On 9 May 2024, CASA decided to cancel the company’s Certificate of Approval.

Was the decision stayed?

Yes. CASA's decision was automatically stayed by operation of law when Amber lodged an application for review with the AAT on 25 May 2024 and applied for a stay, pending the Tribunal's determination of the matter, at the same time. At a hearing scheduled for 14 August 2024, the Tribunal will consider Amber's application to continue the stay until the AAT decides the matter on its merits.

Has the decision been varied, set-aside or remitted for reconsideration on review?

If CASA's decision is appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and the AAT varies or sets aside CASA's decision, updated information reflecting the AAT's decision will be published on this page.

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