Darwin procedures overview

Darwin is the main hub of the Northern Territory and hosts a wide variety of civil and military aviation users, including medical transport, regional air transport, parachuting, scenic tours and military fast jets. Darwin ATC provides a Class C service to all traffic operating within their airspace and is surrounded by Class G airspace below the CTA steps. Before flying to or around Darwin, make sure you are familiar with the controlled airspace boundaries and altitudes, as shown on the VTC/VNC. If unfamiliar, advise ATC on first contact or phone the TWR on 08 7929 4816.

ERSA-FPR details routes to simplify the tracking of arriving and departing VFR aircraft. All VFR aircraft are to flight plan via one of the 5 published VFR routes, with the exception of aircraft operating to or from the Tiwi Islands. Familiarity with Darwin’s ERSA entry will assist your operations. If ATC issues an instruction or tracking point you are unfamiliar with or you can not comply with due to operational conditions such as weather, immediately tell them and an alternate solution will be found.

Lee Point parachute operations

Parachuting operations may occur in the vicinity of Lee Point. For aircraft arriving via a visual approach for Runway 36 during parachute drop area activation – in the event of a go around, ATC will issue tracking instructions or a requirement to hold south of Casuarina Square Shopping Centre. Check ERSA for further details.

Updated: 12 November 2024
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//resources-and-education/publications-and-resources/industry-guides-and-publications/pilot-guides/stay-ontrack-series/stay-ontrack-flying-darwin-region/darwin-procedures-overview
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