Radio use in Darwin

Automatic terminal information service

Automatic terminal information service (ATIS) is available on frequency 128.25 (aerodrome control tower [TWR] hours only), on the NDB frequency of 308, by telephone at 08 7929 4787, or by NAIPs.

It broadcasts the following information, in order:

  1. aerodrome ('Darwin Terminal Information')
  2. runway
  3. wind
  4. crosswind
  5. visibility
  6. cloud
  7. temperature
  8. QNH
  9. other information if required (for example, bird activity or showers in the area).

ATC transmission readback

The following components of an ATC transmission require accurate readback:

  1. an ATC route clearance in its entirety, and any amendments
  2. en route holding instructions
  3. any route and holding point specified in a taxi clearance
  4. any clearances, conditional clearances or instructions to hold short of, enter, land on, line-up on, wait, take-off from, cross, taxi or backtrack on any runway
  5. any approach clearance
  6. assigned runway, altimeter settings directed to specific aircraft, radio and radio navigation aid frequency instructions
  7. aid frequency instructions
  8. SSR codes, data link logon codes
  9. level instructions, direction of turn, heading and speed instructions.

Airways clearance request: clearance delivery frequency 126.8

This is the order of broadcasts. The items in brackets will be dependent on your circumstance.

Aircraft requiring clearance to depart into Darwin CTR/CTA should contact Darwin Delivery on 126.8 prior to taxi.

Aircraft requesting circuits require prior approval via telephone to ensure traffic situation will allow. Once in the aircraft, contact 121.8 with details, no requirement for 119.55 or 126.8.

Initial call

  1. Darwin Clearance Delivery
  2. (Your aircraft type and callsign)
  3. for (training area/your planned destination)
  4. (altitude)
  5. request clearance

Read back

  1. Cleared to (destination via tracking details)
  2. (Altitude)
  3. Squawk (transponder code)
  4. (Your callsign)

Taxi clearance request: ground frequency 121.8

Before calling surface movement control, check your radio receiver is functioning correctly and obtain the current ATIS. The preferred method for checking your radio is to monitor the ATIS.

Initial call

  1. Darwin Ground
  2. (Your aircraft type and callsign)
  3. (Persons on board)
  4. (Dual or solo if applicable)
  5. Received (ATIS)
  6. At (location on airfield e.g. GA),
  7. Request taxi

Read back

  1. Cleared to taxi
  2. Runway (the runway)
  3. Via taxiway (taxi route details)
  4. Cross or hold at (holding point instructions)
  5. (Your callsign)

Holding point crossing clearance: ground frequency 121.8

Initial call

  1. Darwin Ground
  2. (Your aircraft callsign)
  3. Request cross holding point (Your holding point identifier)

Read back

  1. Cross or hold holding point (Your holding point identifier)
  2. (Your callsign)

Take-off clearance request: tower frequency 133.1

Initial call

  1. Darwin Tower
  2. (Your callsign)
  3. Ready runway (runway number)

Read back

  1. Approach 123.0
  2. Remain this frequency
  3. Turn right/left (assigned heading/turn direction)
  4. Track via (tracking instructions, if applicable)
  5. Runway (Runway identifier)
  6. Cleared for take-off
  7. (Your callsign)

LAHSO traffic information

Initial call

  1. (Your callsign)
  2. (Aircraft type/traffic)
  3. Landing on crossing runway will hold short
  4. Runway (number) cleared for takeoff

Read back

  1. Take off
  2. (Your callsign)


Initial call

  1. (Your callsign)
  2. (Aircraft type)
  3. Departing/landing on crossing runway, hold short runway (number)
  4. Cleared to land runway (number)

Read back

  1. Hold short (runway number)
  2. Cleared to land (runway number)
  3. (Your callsign)
Published date: 2 February 2023
Online version available at:
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