For departing helicopters, contact Darwin Ground with your tracking request. Prior to taxi, they will issue you with an airways clearance as per your requested tracking at or below 1,000 ft. There is no requirement to contact Clearance Delivery unless you are operating IFR or above 1,000 ft.
Helicopters departing from remote Helicopter Landing Site (HLS) within the CTR need to remain on the ground until specifically instructed by ATC to 'report airborne'. Some remote HLS may struggle with radio communications due to ground shielding of the transmissions. If this is the case, telephone ATC to discuss.
For helicopters arriving not above 1,000 ft and VFR, contact Darwin Tower prior to 10 nm YPDN for an airways clearance. You can expect clearance to track to either a helicopter landing site or via alternative tracking to one of a number of prominent topographical features, commonly used for the processing of low-level helicopters within the Darwin circuit area.
It is critically important to remain outside of the CTA/CTR until issued a clearance inbound. There may be delays due to IFR traffic.
Helicopters intending to operate within the CIRA not above 1,000 ft AMSL are to contact SMC if on the ground or TWR if airborne, for a clearance. This reduces delays – you can expect a clearance and tracking based on common points within or near the CIRA. If operating near the aerodrome, ensure you do not cross the runway without an explicit clearance or tracking instruction to a point on the other side.
The only helipad at the aerodrome is the eastern helipad – it is a designated manoeuvring area and cannot be entered without a clearance to line up or take off.
Helicopters arriving to and departing from the Aviation Heritage Museum are required to remain south of the extended centreline of Taxiway A at all times unless issued a clearance to/from a point north of Taxiway A or otherwise instructed by ATC.