Departure and tracking – north/north-east

All VFR aircraft are required to depart Darwin CTR to the north via Lee Point and Jackos Junction, then via VFR route 1 or 2. Aircraft for Port Hurd, Bathurst Island, Snake Bay or Garden Point may get cleared direct.

Aircraft tracking via the VFR route can expect to be issued an initial heading on departure (e.g. heading 320) on climb to 2,000 ft. Expect to contact Darwin Departures on 123.0 on direction from TWR.

If issued a heading by TWR, maintain that until ATC uses the phrase, ‘Resume own navigation’ at which point they will state where to track next.

Enlarge image
A map of Darwin airspace with a plane depicted departing Darwin Airport north to Lee Point and then northeast to Jackos Junction.

A map of Darwin airspace with a plane depicted departing Darwin Airport north to Lee Point and then northeast to Jackos Junction.

An aerial view of Lee Point looking from the south
Lee Point
An aerial view of Jackos Junction looking from the south
Jackos Junction
Updated: 12 November 2024
Online version available at:
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