General military information

Conditional RA (restricted area) status

The status of restricted areas (RAs) appears in the DAH and ERSA and is presented in a table on the VTC/VNC. This status indicates which types of restricted airspace it is possible to get a clearance through. NOTAMS are issued to list activation times and levels for military restricted airspace and must always be consulted before flights through these areas to avoid airspace infringements.

RA conditional status legend

RA1: Pilots may flight plan through the RA and, under normal circumstances, expect a clearance from ATC.

RA2: Pilots must not flight plan through the RA unless on a route specified in ERSA GEN FPR, or by agreement with the Department of Defence. However, a clearance from ATC is not assured. Other tracking may be offered through the RA on a tactical basis.

RA3: Pilots must not flight plan through the RA and clearances will not be available.

Various military operations at and around Darwin can affect civil aviation, including major exercises such as Pitch Black and Diamond Storm. This can cause taxi delays, alternate tracking or airborne holding to ensure the safe and expeditious  operations of all airspace users. When possible, this is communicated well in advance through AIP supplements, NOTAMs and ATC. If you are uncertain about how the exercises may affect your operations, please contact ATC.

During periods of high activity such as major exercises, there are often changes in the priority given to military aircraft to ensure safety is maintained and operational objectives are met. Prior briefing about such exercises can allow you to avoid operating during these periods. At all times you can expect ATC to process you in accordance with the priorities detailed in AIP or any current AIP Supplements.

Mount Bundey

The Mount Bundey training area is 60 nm south-east of Darwin, south of the Arnhem Highway, between the Mary River and Kakadu National Park. Restricted Airspace (R224A and R244B) are activated regularly for military flying and firing activities. Check NOTAMs for activation periods and levels.

R230 and R264

R230 and R264 are commonly activated for both flying and non-flying activities. It is important to thoroughly read the NOTAMs as there are often partial activations of these sections of airspace which may not line up with the maps shown on VTC/VNC or EFBs. Inside CTA, ATC is required to provide a buffer with the edge of the airspace, which may affect operations during the wet season when weather deviations are required.

Robertson Barracks

Robertson Barracks (YRBK) is approximately 5 nm East of YPDN, located just below the CTA 1,500 ft step.

Helicopters will operate to YRBK at all times of day and night conducting training sorties in the greater Darwin area.

Caution must be taken when transiting OCTA between Hope Inlet and Emkaytee due to the proximity of YRBK and this common tracking route. Pilots should note the discrete CTAF frequency of 126.6 for YRBK when transiting this area.

At times foreign military aircraft such as the MV22 Osprey will also operate to YBRK. Pilots need to be aware of wake turbulence effects from these larger aircraft.

Tindal military airspace information

RAAF Base Tindal is situated approximately 150 nm south-west of Darwin. It is an operational fast jet base and accommodates international partners during large exercises. Tindal is a military controlled aerodrome with large areas of prohibited and restricted airspace to the east and west. Restricted airspace activation times are published byNOTAM and can be active anytime. 

During large military exercises such as Pitch Black, temporary restricted airspace may also be activated by NOTAM and will be detailed in the relevant AIP SUP. The control zone is also subject to a NOTAM; however, it can be activated/deactivated at short notice.

The following restricted and danger areas need to be considered when flying south of Darwin as they can extend laterally to 150 nm and vertically to FL600:  225ABCDEF, R250, Bradshaw (R268, 269, 270), Delamere (R232, R211, R212) and R241, R244, R245, R247, R248, R251, R252AB, R253, D223, D229. Outside ATC hours, CTAF procedures are on 119.7. Further Tindal procedures can be found in ERSA.

A runway diagram of RAAF Base Tindal
Updated: 12 November 2024
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