Airspace infringement hotspots - north

  1. Airspace infringement hotspot

    Approaching from the Tiwi Islands, YBTI airfield is only 17 nm from the CTA boundary for aircraft above A025. Anticipate frequency congestion and obtain clearance from Darwin Approach before entering CTA.

  2. Airspace infringement hotspot

    Cape Hotham is often confused with Gunn Point when pilots arrive from the north-east.

  3. Airspace infringement hotspot

    Jackos Junction is the published VFR approach point for traffic using VFR routes 1 and 2 and separates arrivals and departures north of the airport. ATC may track aircraft via Hope Inlet. Do not confuse this area with the mouth of the Adelaide River, further to the east.

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An airspace map of Darwin with three airspace infringement hotspots marked with numbered circles

An airspace map of Darwin with three airspace infringement hotspots marked with numbered circles.

Updated: 12 November 2024
Online version available at:
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