Parafield is a Class D aerodrome during TWR HRS, catering for high-density operations. Check the TWR and airspace status with ATC or Parafield ATIS. VMC minimums for Class D airfields are:
- visibility: 5,000 m
- horizontal distance from cloud: 600 m
- vertical distance from cloud: 1,000 ft above and 500 ft below.
Parafield has 2 sets of parallel runways and, by day, simultaneous contra-circuits may be conducted using separate tower frequencies. Operations are regulated independently in each circuit, and you require ATC approval to enter the opposite circuit airspace. Where operations are confined to a single runway, ATC will specify the circuit direction.
Control zone entry and circuit joining instructions from ATC are generally given to you at Outer Harbor and Dam Wall. When arriving at Parafield, you must give sufficient notice to ATC if you are seeking to enter the control zone via other than one of the VFR approach points. You need to have an alternative action plan if clearance is not available.
CAUTION: adjacent civil and military control zones.
Whenever parallel runways are used for simultaneous contra-circuits, the circuit direction must be determined as follows:
- where runway right is nominated, the circuit is right-hand
- where runway left is nominated, the circuit is left-hand.
The circuit altitude is 1,000 ft on Parafield QNH, unless otherwise instructed by ATC or notified on the ATIS.
You must:
- dentify any traffic on the opposing base leg and monitor their position while you are turning onto final
- not overshoot the extended centreline when turning final
- not drift off the extended runway centreline once established on final
- not drift from the extended centreline when upwind.
Parafield aerodrome hosts emergency services aircraft, charter companies, plus fixed-wing (both GA and RAAus) and
rotary-wing flying schools. Their aircraft regularly conduct touch-and-go circuits, as well as flights to the western training area; this can
make the airspace congested.
Parachute operations around Adelaide
Parachute operations are conducted at a number of airfields and other areas surrounding Adelaide; these can include landings into wineries such as the Southern Vales and Barossa or beach locations.
When transiting or operating within the Parafield training areas, it is imperative that pilots are familiar with the Lower Light drop zone and remain well clear of the airfield as shown on aeronautical charts.