Arrivals and tracking – from the north-east

Aircraft inbound from the north-east shall track from Warren Reservoir (WRR) to Dam Wall (DMW), taking care to avoid Class C airspace overlaying the route at 2,500 ft. AMSL. Be aware that traffic inbound to Adelaide and Edinburgh airports overfly this track. Prior to DMW, obtain the PF ATIS on 120.9 or 416. At DMW, contact PF TWR on the frequency nominated on the ATIS, maintaining 1,500 ft AMSL. The inbound report should include: TYPE-CALLSIGN-POSITION-ALTITUDE-INTENTIONS-ATIS for your arrival at Parafield.

In most cases following your DMW report, ATC will provide circuit joining instructions and an altitude requirement (normally 1,500 ft). In this case, you must maintain 1,500 ft until cleared for a 'visual approach'. You are required to read back any ATC clearance or instruction.

Visual Terminal Chart with an illustration of an aircraft tracking from the north-east towards the arrival point Parafield aerodrome. Includes an example radio call ‘Parafield Tower Cherokee ABC Dam Wall 1,500 inbound (for circuits etc) received Charlie (ATIS).
Aerial view of Warren reservoir before turning south towards Dam Wall
Warren reservoir before turning south towards Dam Wall
Aerial view of Tracking to Dam Wall from Warren reservoir with Parafield and salt pans in the distance
Tracking to Dam Wall from Warren reservoir with Parafield and salt pans in the distance
Published date: 9 April 2024
Online version available at:
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