Murray Bridge procedures overview

Murray Bridge is a privately owned and operated aerodrome located to the east of Adelaide; prior permission is required to operate there. Check ERSA for current phone number.

The aerodrome has several flying training organisations catering for RAAus and advanced pilot training.

Murray Bridge has a dedicated 'aerobatic box' above the airfield; it is imperative pilots are familiar with its location and the procedures used when it is active.

Murray Bridge shares the CTAF with Rollos and Callington aerodromes.

Parachute operations can take place at Rollos aerodrome. Gyrocopters fly circuits at 500 ft.

Pilots are reminded of the Murray Bridge Defence reserve R290 A and B to the east of YMBD.

A map showing the layout of runways and taxiways of Murray Bridge aerodrome
Murray Bridge
Aerial view of Murray Bridge aerodrome looking southwest
Murray Bridge aerodrome looking south-west
Aerial view of Murray Bridge aerodrome looking southeast
Murray Bridge aerodrome looking south-east
towards Murray Bridge township
Aerial view of Rollos (YRLO) aerodrome looking northeast
Rollos aerodrome looking north-east
Published date: 9 April 2024
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