Parafield ground operations

Parafield is a general aviation aerodrome operating to Class D control zone procedures. You must not enter the Parafield control zone (CTR) until Parafield Tower has responded to your report, which must include your position, level, intentions (inbound) and receipt of the ATIS.

The ATC response may simply be your call sign which indicates you are cleared via your stated intentions, or you may be given a more specific instruction (clearance) statement.

If you don’t understand or cannot comply, advise ATC as soon as you can.

Pilots unsure of the procedures should advise ATC on first contact using the phrase 'unfamiliar with Parafield'.

Exercise caution at the known runway incursion hotspots as illustrated below and on all runways.

Clearance is required to cross undershoots of runways 26L and 26R as well as overshoots of runways 08L and 08R on taxiway B and to cross runway 26R or runway 08L at taxiway J3 and H6 and runway 26L or runway 08R at taxiway H5 and G at all times when the tower is active.

Check visually before crossing when CTAF procedures are in place.

Aerial view looking at Parafield aerodrome
Parafield aerodrome
Holding point 26 undershoot taxiway B hotspot
Hold point 26 undershoot taxiway B Hotspot
Aerodrome manoeuvring map of Parafield aerdrome, with runway incursion hotspots marked
Published date: 9 April 2024
Online version available at:
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