Parafield helicopter operations

Helicopter operations follow the same procedures as fixed-wing traffic for CTR departures and arrivals. On initial contact with Parafield Tower or Ground, pilots shall nominate the helicopter landing site (HLS) they wish to use. However tracks and altitudes may vary depending on traffic.

HLS departures and arrivals must be parallel to the duty runway unless otherwise specified by ATC.

Pilots shall advise completion of operations on the Tower frequency 118.7 when vacating the western HLS (pad west). Arrivals on pad east are to vacate the pad with minimum delay when runway 03 or 21 is in operation. Contact Ground after vacating.

Southern grass is the area contained by a line 60 m west of taxiway B and 60 m south of runway 08R and 26L flight strip extended to the perimeter fence to the south and west (caution needs to be exercised due NDB hut and MET compound). CAUTION: This area can be accessed by vehicles without ATC clearances. Refer to ERSA for specific circuit procedures.

Helipad east at Parafield aerodrome
Helipad east
Helipad west at Parafield aerodrome
Helipad west
Published date: 9 April 2024
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