Sample syllabuses for flying training operators

Sample syllabi flying training organisations cover
cover of sample syllabi flying training organisations

We provide a suite of sample syllabuses to help flying training operators develop their course material.

Each sample syllabus shows a way for you to map the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) Part 61 Manual of Standards into a course format.

Contents of sample syllabuses

The sample syllabuses contain:

  • a planning matrix
  • a flight training and theory examination summary
  • syllabus lesson plans
  • trainee records in a revised format that combines the two documents.

The topic content and hours are indicative only.

You can adjust the suggested flight times but you need to follow the requirements in Part 61 of CASR.

If you choose to use the sample materials, it is your responsibility to maintain their validity. This means you may need to review your syllabi and make sure they align with any:

Using the sample syllabuses

We provide the sample syllabuses for your guidance only. Flight training operators are not obligated to map courses this way. These sample syllabus can be downloaded in our associated documents area below.

You can amend our templates to make your own if what you need is not in the following download list.

For information on how to use the sample syllabuses, see Guide to the use of CASA flight training syllabuses.

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